Shri Dipak Banerjee Vs. Smt. Lilabati Chakroborty
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 10043 of the 1983. Petitioner: Shri Dipak Banerjee Respondent: Smt. Lilabati Chakroborty Apeal: Civil Appeal No. 10043 of the 1983. Judges: SABYASACHI MUKHARJI &...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 10043 of the 1983. Petitioner: Shri Dipak Banerjee Respondent: Smt. Lilabati Chakroborty Apeal: Civil Appeal No. 10043 of the 1983. Judges: SABYASACHI MUKHARJI &...
Appeal: Criminal Appeal No. 322 of 1987. (In SLP (Crl.) No. 544/87) Petitioner: Mohinuddin @ Moin Master Respondent: The District Magistrate, Beed & Ors. Apeal: Criminal Appeal No....
Appeal: Civil Appeal (Election) No. 1395 (NCE) of 1986. Petitioner: Samar Singh Respondent: Kedar Nath alias K.N. Singh & OtherS Apeal: Civil Appeal (Election) No. 1395 (NCE) of...
Appeal: Civil Misc. Petition No. 28356 of 1986. (In Civil Appeal No. 5579 of 1983) Petitioner: Hindustan Steelworks Construction Ltd. Respondent: Shri C. Rajasekhar Rao Apeal: Civil Misc....
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 1522 of 1987. (Arising out of S.L.P. (Civil) No. 8847 of 1986) Petitioner: M/s. Jagjit Bus Service (Regd.) Amritsar, through its Managing Partner Shri...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 1939 (N) of 1972. Petitioner: N.C. Dalwadi Respondent: State of Gujarat Apeal: Civil Appeal No. 1939 (N) of 1972. Judges: A.P. SEN & B.C....
Appeal: Writ Petition No. 7338 of 1981. (With Writ Petition Nos. 6251 & 8189 of 1981) Petitioner: A.L. Ahuja Respondent: Union of India Apeal: Writ Petition No. 7338...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 1088 (N) of 1969. Petitioner: Pala Singh (Deceased) by Lrs. Respondent: Union of India & Ors. Apeal: Civil Appeal No. 1088 (N) of 1969....