Judgments of the Supreme Court of India Blog
Appeal: Civil Writ Petition No.984 of 1986. Petitioner: Kailash Chandra Agarwal. Respondent: State of Madhya Pradesh & Anr. Apeal: Civil Writ Petition No.984 of 1986. Judges: R.S.PATHAK, CJI...
Appeal: Writ Petition No. 300 of 1986 Petitioner: Fazal Ghosi Respondent: State of U.P. & Ors. Apeal: Writ Petition No. 300 of 1986 Judges: R.S. PATHAK, C.J. &...
Appeal: Writ Petition (Civil) No. 3989 of 1984 Petitioner: Bihar Rajya Vidyut Parishad Field Kamgar Union. Respondent: The State of Bihar & Others. Apeal: Writ Petition (Civil) No....
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 2794 of 1986. Petitioner: Shri Samarjit Ghosh Respondent: M/s Bennett Coleman & Company and Another Apeal: Civil Appeal No. 2794 of 1986. Judges: R.S.PATHAK,...
Appeal: Civil Misc. Petitions Nos. 10440-10442 of 1985. IN Civil Appeal Nos. 1644-46 of 1984. Petitioner: Dr. Shashi Kant & Anr. Respondent: The State of Bihar & Ors....
Appeal: Criminal Appeal Nos. 272-273 of 1987. (Arising out of Special Leave Petition (Criminal) Nos. 2219-20 of 1986) Petitioner: Smt. Sattamma Respondent: K. Rajaiah & Others. Apeal: Criminal...
Appeal: Civil Appeal Nos.622-625 of 1982. Petitioner: P.D.Aggarwal & Ors. Respondent: State OF U.P. & Ors. Apeal: Civil Appeal Nos.622-625 of 1982. Judges: A.P. SEN & B.C. RAY,...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 430 of 1982. Petitioner: Dhartipakar Madan Lal Agarwal Respondent: Shri Rajiv Gandhi Apeal: Civil Appeal No. 430 of 1982. Judges: E.S. VENKATARAMIAH & K.N....