Milment Oftho Industries and Ors. Vs. Allergan Inc.
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 5791 of 1998 (From the Judgment and Order dated 06.11.97 of the Calcutta High Court in A. P. O. No. 78/97, G. A. No....
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 5791 of 1998 (From the Judgment and Order dated 06.11.97 of the Calcutta High Court in A. P. O. No. 78/97, G. A. No....
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 3033 of 2004 (Arising out of S.L.P. (C) No. 19475 of 2003) Petitioner: State of Uttaranchal through Collector, Dehradun and Another Respondent: Ajit Singh...
Appeal: Criminal Appeal Nos. 446-449 of 2004 And Criminal Appeal Nos. 450-452 of 2004 With Crl. Misc. Petition Nos. 1330-33 and 4827-33/04 in Criminal Appeal Nos. 446-449 of...
Appeal: Criminal Appeal No. 215 of 1999 (From the Judgment and Order dated 15.05.98 of the Rajasthan High Court in D. B. Crl. A. No. 634 of 1981)...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 10911 of 1996 (From the Judgment and Order dated 18.12.95 of the Central Excise, Customs and Gold (Control) Appellate Tribunal, New Delhi in F....
Appeal: I. A. Nos. 6-7 and 8 In Writ Petition (C) No. 29 of 2003 (Under Article 32 of the Constitution of India) With I. A. Nos. 9,...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 7798 of 2002 (From the Judgment and Order dated 02.04.2002 of the Patna High Court in L. P. A . No. 240 of 2002)...
Appeal: (Arising out of SLP (Crl.) No. 3151/2003) Criminal Appeal No. 431 of 2004 (From the Judgment and Order dated 12.05.2003 of the Patna High Court in Crl....