Her Highness Maharani Shantidevi P. Gaikwad Vs. Savjibhai Harib-hai Patel & Ors.
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 3530 of 1998 ( T.C. (C) No. 63/1998 and SLP(C) No.1692/99) (From the Judgment and Order dated 15.6.98 of the Gujarat High Court in...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 3530 of 1998 ( T.C. (C) No. 63/1998 and SLP(C) No.1692/99) (From the Judgment and Order dated 15.6.98 of the Gujarat High Court in...
Appeal: Special Leave Petition (C) No. 5302 of 1992 (From the Judgment and Order dated 13.12.91 of the Bombay High Court in W.P.No. 2673 of 1986) WITH SLP...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 2151 of 1999 (From the Judgment and Order dated 24.12.98 of the M.R.T.P. Commission, New Delhi in U.T.P.E.No. 271 of 1996) Petitioner: Industrial Assistance...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 1287 of 1990 With Civil Appeal No. 1288 of 1990 (From the Judgment and Order dated 6.2.89 of the Punjab and Haryana High Court...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 2247 of 2001 (Arising out of SLP (C) No. 15307 of 2000) Petitioner: M/s. K.D. Industries Respondent: Bihar State Electricity Board & Ors. Apeal:...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 5047 of 1996 (W.P.(C) Nos.162/96, 20/97, 61/98 & C.A. Nos.3652/98, 4788/98 & 249/99) (From the Judgment and Order dated 21.09.95 of the Gauhati High...
Appeal: Civil Appeal Nos. 2238 – 2239 of 2001 (Arising out of S. L. P. (Civil) No.837-838 of 2000) (From the Judgment and Order dated 1.10.99/7.9.99 of the...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 3077 of 1999 (From the Judgment and Order dated 5.1.99 of the Kerala High Court in O.P.No. 21479 of 1997) Petitioner: Union of India...