Motilal Yadav Vs. State of Bihar .
Appeal: CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 2478 OF 2014 Petitioner: Motilal Yadav Respondent: State of Bihar . Judges: Vikramajit Sen , Prafulla C. Pant Date of Judgment: Nov 25, 2014...
Appeal: CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 2478 OF 2014 Petitioner: Motilal Yadav Respondent: State of Bihar . Judges: Vikramajit Sen , Prafulla C. Pant Date of Judgment: Nov 25, 2014...
Appeal: Criminal Appeal No. 2478 of 2014(Arising Out of S.L.P. (Crl.) No. 2480 of 2014)[From the Judgment and Order dated 05.11.2012 of the High Court of Patna in...
Appeal: CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 775 of 2007 Petitioner: ANUP LAL YADAV and ANR Respondent: STATE OF BIHAR . Judges: RANJANA PRAKASH DESAI, N.V. RAMANA Date of Judgment: Sep...
Appeal: CRIMINAL APPEAL No.1359 OF 2014 Petitioner: CHANDAN KUMAR BASU Respondent: STATE OF BIHAR . Judges: SUDHANSU JYOTI MUKHOPADHAYA , RANJAN GOGOI Date of Judgment: Jul 07, 2014...
Appeal: Criminal Appeal No. 259 of 2009 Petitioner: Joshinder Yadav Respondent: State of Bihar Apeal: Criminal Appeal No. 259 of 2009 Judges: Ranjana Prakash Desai & J. Chelameswar,...
Appeal: Criminal Appeal No.791 of 2009WithState of Bihar v. Vyas Ram @ Vyas Kahar & Ors.Death Reference Case (R) No.2 of 2011[From the Judgment and order dated 11.02.2009...
Appeal: Criminal Appeal Nos.249-250 of 2011WithJagat Rai And Anr. v. State of Bihar Criminal Appeal Nos.1747-1748 of 2011 Petitioner: Deepak Rai Respondent: State of Bihar Apeal: Criminal Appeal...
Appeal: Criminal Appeal No. 1575 of 2009[From the Judgement and Order dated 02.11.2007 of the High Court of Patna in CRLA No. 690 of 2005] Petitioner: Anuj Kumar...