Arun Kumar Vs. The State of Bihar and Ors. .
Appeal: CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. OF 2017 Petitioner: Arun Kumar Respondent: The State of Bihar and Ors. . Judges: R.K. AGRAWAL , ABHAY MANOHAR SAPRE Date of Judgment: May...
Appeal: CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. OF 2017 Petitioner: Arun Kumar Respondent: The State of Bihar and Ors. . Judges: R.K. AGRAWAL , ABHAY MANOHAR SAPRE Date of Judgment: May...
Appeal: Civil Appeal Nos. 1096-1097 of 2002[From the Judgment and Order dated 9.3.1999 and 6.8.1999 of the High Court of Karnataka at Bangalore in L.R.R.P. No. 4052/1988 and...
Appeal: Criminal Appeal No. 347 of 2008[Arising out of SLP (Crl.) No. 2892 of 2007][From the final Order dated 19.1.2007 of the High Court of Judicature at Patna...
Appeal: Criminal Appeal No.35 of 1979 (From the Judgment and Order dated 17.5.1978 of the Allahabad High Court in Govt. Crl. Appeal No. 2291 of 1971) Petitioner: Arun...