Mary Johny Vs. Union of India & Ors.
Appeal: Civil Appeal NO. 11816 Of 1995 (Arising out of SLP (C) No.9908 of 1995) (From the Judgment and Order dated 3.2.95 of the Central Administrative Tribunal, Bombay...
Appeal: Civil Appeal NO. 11816 Of 1995 (Arising out of SLP (C) No.9908 of 1995) (From the Judgment and Order dated 3.2.95 of the Central Administrative Tribunal, Bombay...
Appeal: Criminal Appeal No. 1708 of 1995 (Arising out of SLP (Crl.) No.972 of 1995) Petitioner: State through CBI Respondent: Mohd. Ashraft Bhat & Anr. Apeal: Criminal Appeal...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No.4375 of 1990 (With Civil Appeal Nos.1085/91, 516/92, SLP(C) Nos.5247/89, 5308/89, 5324/89, 5327/89, 5329/89, 5341/89, 5399/89, 5400/89, 5401/89, 5404/89, 5415/89, 5451/89, 5533/89, 5559/89, 5602/89, 5603/89,...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No 11906 Of 1995 (Arising out of SLP (C) No.4363 of 1993) Petitioner: P. Venkataraju Respondent: Special Tehsildar (Land Acquisition) Apeal: Civil Appeal No 11906...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No.2347 of 1981 (With I.A. Nos. 1 & 2 of 1991) Petitioner: Sector-6, Bahadurgarh Plot Holders Association (Regd.) & Ors. Respondent: The State of Haryana...
Appeal: Civil Appeal Nos. 2532-33 of 1989 Petitioner: Government of Andhra Pradesh Respondent: P.B. Vijayakumar & Anr. Apeal: Civil Appeal Nos. 2532-33 of 1989 Judges: R.M. SAHAI &...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 5752 of 1995 Arising out of S.L.P (C) No. 20025 of 1991 Petitioner: Lachman Dass Respondent: Santokh Singh Apeal: Civil Appeal No. 5752 of...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 5537 of 1995. (Arising out of Special Leave Petition (Civil). No. 16190 of 1994) Petitioner: Parshotam Singh Respondent: State of Punjab and others Apeal:...