THE STATE AGRICULTURAL CREDIT CORPORATIONSACT, 1968 ACT No. 60 OF 1968 29th December, 1968 An Act to provide for the establishment inthe States and Union territories of Agricultural...
THE STATE AGRICULTURAL CREDIT CORPORATIONSACT, 1968 ACT No. 60 OF 1968 29th December, 1968 An Act to provide for the establishment inthe States and Union territories of Agricultural...
THE STANDARDS OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES ACT,1976 ACT No. 60 OF 1976 8th April, 1976 An Act to establish standards of weightsand measures, to regulate inter-State trade or...
THE SREE CHITRA TIRUNAL INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL SCIENCES ANDTECHNOLOGY, TRIVANDRUM,ACT, 1980 ACT No. 52 OF 1980 3rd December, 1980 An Act to declare the Sree Chitra Tirunal Medical...
THE SPICES CESS ACT, 1986 ACT No. 11 OF 1986 20th March, 1986 An Act to provide for imposition of cess on all spices which are exported for...
THE SPICES BOARD ACT, 1986 ACT No. 10 OF 1986 20th March, 1986. An Act to provide for the constitution of aBoard for the development of export of...
THE SPECIFIC RELIEF ACT, 1963 ACT No. 47 OF 1963 13th December, 1963 An Act to define and amend the law relatingto certain kinds of specific relief BE...
THE SPECIAL MARRIAGE ACT, 1954 ACT No. 43 OF 1954 9th October, 1954 An Act to provide a special form marriagein certain cases, for the registration of such...
THE SPECIAL COURTTRIAL OF OFFENCES RELATING TO TRANSACTIONS IN SECURITIES) ACT, 1992 ACT No. 27 OF 1992 18thAugust, 1992 An Act to provide the establishment of a Special...