Kalayath Nassar Vs. State of Kerala
Appeal: Criminal Appeal No. 2044 of 1996 Petitioner: Kalayath Nassar Respondent: State of Kerala Apeal: Criminal Appeal No. 2044 of 1996 Judges: K.T. THOMAS & D.P. MOHAPATRA, JJ....
Appeal: Criminal Appeal No. 2044 of 1996 Petitioner: Kalayath Nassar Respondent: State of Kerala Apeal: Criminal Appeal No. 2044 of 1996 Judges: K.T. THOMAS & D.P. MOHAPATRA, JJ....
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 398 of 1997 (With C.A. Nos. 399/1977, 3505/1992, 3506/1992, 1880/1988, W.P.(C) 1250/1986, C.A. Nos.4500-05/1992, 234/1995, 8163/1994, 7432/1994, C.A. Nos. 4374-75 /1999 @ SLP (C)...
Appeal: CIVIL APPEAL NO.13039 OF 1996 (From the Judgment and Order dated 11.12.95 of the Kerala High Court in W.A.No. 1180 of 1995) (With CA Nos.13040/96, 13041-43/96, 13044/96,...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 3001 of 1999 (Arising out of SLP (C) No. 18890 of 1998) Petitioner: N. Annappa Respondent: State of Karnataka & Anr. Apeal: Civil Appeal...
Appeal: SLP (Crl.) No. 1448 of 1999 (From the Judgment and Order dated 5-2-1999 in Criminal Appeal No. 536 of 1987 of the High Court of Punjab and...
Appeal: Civil Appeals Nos. 3011-3012 of 1999 (Arising out of SLP (C) Nos. 3215-3216 of 1999) Petitioner: Govt. of A.P. and Another Respondent: B. Vasantha Rao and Another...
Appeal: CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 230 OF 1991 (From the Judgement and Order dated 28.09.90 of the Delhi High Court in Crl. A.No. 149 of 1987) Petitioner: Arvind @...
Appeal: Civil Appeal Nos. 1804-06 of 1981 (From the Judgment and Order dated 21.4.81 of the Punjab & Harya-na High Court in I.T.R. Nos. 130, 98 and 100...