Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. Vs. R. Santhakumari Velusamy & Ors.
Appeal: Civil Appeal Nos. 5286-87 of 2005WithCivil Appeal Nos. 3405, 4542, 4543, 4544, 4545 and 4546 of 2006[From the Judgement and Order dated 18.10.2004 of the High Court...
Appeal: Civil Appeal Nos. 5286-87 of 2005WithCivil Appeal Nos. 3405, 4542, 4543, 4544, 4545 and 4546 of 2006[From the Judgement and Order dated 18.10.2004 of the High Court...
Appeal: Special Leave Petition (C) No. 9541 of 2007WithSLP (C) No. 10945 of 2007AndSLP (C) No. 469 of 2011AndSLP (C) Nos. 15231-32 of 2011[From the Judgement and Order...
Appeal: Criminal Appeal No. 1735 of 2011[Arising out of SLP (Crl.) No. 10005 of 2009][From the Judgement and Order dated 19.08.2009 of the High Court of Jharkhand at...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 4888 of 2005WithCivil Appeal No. 4885 of 2005WithCivil Appeal Nos. 4886-4887 of 2005[From the Judgement and Order dated 10.12.2003 of the High Court of...
Appeal: Criminal Appeal No. 1994 of 2009WithCriminal Appeal No. 1719 of 2011[Arising out of SLP (Crl.) No. 6728/2011 (Crl. M.P. No. 17812 of 2008)] Petitioner: Mrinal Das &...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 7448 of 2011[From the Judgement and Order dated 03.08.2009 of the High Court of Judicature of Bombay in Civil Revision Application No. 564 of...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 7630 of 2011[Arising out of SLP (C) No. 4339 of 2009][From the Judgement and Order dated 27.06.2008 of the High Court of Judicature at...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 2047 of 2007With Contempt Petition (C) No. 43 of 2007[From the Judgement and Order dated 05.09.2005 of the High Court of Bombay in Writ...