Naresh Kumar Vs. State Of Haryana & Anr.
Appeal: Criminal Appeal No. 1181 of 2012(Special Leave Petition(crl.) No. 4011 of 2011) Petitioner: Naresh Kumar Respondent: State Of Haryana & Anr. Apeal: Criminal Appeal No. 1181 of...
Appeal: Criminal Appeal No. 1181 of 2012(Special Leave Petition(crl.) No. 4011 of 2011) Petitioner: Naresh Kumar Respondent: State Of Haryana & Anr. Apeal: Criminal Appeal No. 1181 of...
Appeal: Special Leave Petition (c) No. 24228-24229 of 2012[From the Judgment & Order dated 16.09.2008 and 17.12.2009 of the High Court of Kerala at Ernakulum in W.A. No....
Appeal: IA Nos. 4, 5, 6-8, 9-11, 12, 13, 14 and 15InWrit Petition (Civil) No. 265 of 2011 Petitioner: Avishek Goenka Respondent: Union of India & Anr. Apeal:...
Appeal: Writ Petition (Civil) No. 666 of 2002[Under Article 32 of the Constitution of India] Petitioner: Bar Council of India Respondent: Union of India Apeal: Writ Petition (Civil)...
Appeal: Criminal Appeal No. 529 of 2010[From the Judgement & Order dated 17.03.2008 of the High Court of Judicature of Uttarakhand at Nainital in Crl. Appeal No. 2050...
Appeal: Criminal Appeal No. 1168 of 2012[Arising out of SLP (Crl.) No. 3292 of 2010][From the Judgement and Order dated 20.07.2009 of the High Court of Delhi at...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 5696 of 2012[@ Petition(s) for Special Leave to Appeal (Civil) 23150/2012 CC 12128/2012]WithM/s. Phoenix Arc Pvt. Ltd. v. M/s. Ishan Systems Pvt. Ltd.Civil Appeal...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 5669 of 2012[Arising out of SLP (C) No. 9516 of 2010][From the Judgement and Order dated 22.07.2009 of the High Court of Kerala at...