Faculty Association of AIIMS Vs. Union of India & Ors.
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 4500 of 2002WithCivil Appeal No. 5119 of 2002[From the Judgement and Order dated 26.11.2001 of the High Court of Delhi at New Delhi in...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 4500 of 2002WithCivil Appeal No. 5119 of 2002[From the Judgement and Order dated 26.11.2001 of the High Court of Delhi at New Delhi in...
Appeal: Criminal Appeal No. 148 of 2003WithCriminal Appeal Nos. 865 of 2004, 1334 of 2005 and 537 of 2006[From the Judgement and Order dated 27.05.2002 of the High...
Appeal: Special Leave Petition (C) No. 13255 of 2012[From the Judgement and Order dated 03.08.2011 of the High Court of Madhya Pradesh at Jabalpur in Writ Petition No....
Appeal: Criminal Appeal No. 1109 of 2009 Petitioner: Rajendra Sharma Respondent: State of West Bengal Apeal: Criminal Appeal No. 1109 of 2009 Judges: P. Sathasivam & J. Chelameswar,...
Appeal: Writ Petition (C) No. 10 of 2013[Under Article 32 of the Constitution of India]With W.P. (C) Nos. 14, 42, 85, 90 and 182 of 2013 With W.P....
Appeal: Civil Appeal Nos. 5505-5508 of 2013[Arising out of SLP (C) No. 12737-12740 of 2008][From the Judgement and Order dated 30.04.2008 of the High Court of Judicature at...
Appeal: Criminal Appeal Nos. 934-936 of 2013[Arising out of SLP (Crl.) No. 10606-10608 of 2010]WithBandi Jagadrakshaka Rao & Ors. v. The State of Andhra Pradesh & Anr.Criminal Appeal...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 5487 of 2013[Arising out of SLP (C) No. 13099 of 2008][From the Judgement and Order dated 16.04.2008 of the High Court of Bombay in...