Vyas Ram @ Vyas Kahar & Ors. Vs. State of Bihar
Appeal: Criminal Appeal No.791 of 2009WithState of Bihar v. Vyas Ram @ Vyas Kahar & Ors.Death Reference Case (R) No.2 of 2011[From the Judgment and order dated 11.02.2009...
Appeal: Criminal Appeal No.791 of 2009WithState of Bihar v. Vyas Ram @ Vyas Kahar & Ors.Death Reference Case (R) No.2 of 2011[From the Judgment and order dated 11.02.2009...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 8398 of 2013(Arising out of SLP(C) No. 6094 of 2007)WithConmt. Pet. (Crl.) No. 2 of 2012[From the Judgments and Orders dated 02.02.2006 and 17.08.2006...
Appeal: Criminal Appeal No. 1451 of 2013[From the Judgment and Order dated 12.09.2011 of the High Court of Gujarat at Ahmedabad in CRMA No. 3213 of 2011] Petitioner:...
Appeal: Criminal Appeal No. 1467 of 2013[Arising out of SLP (Crl.) No. 3093 of 2012] Petitioner: Kaini Rajan Respondent: State of Kerala Apeal: Criminal Appeal No. 1467 of...
Appeal: Criminal Appeal Nos.249-250 of 2011WithJagat Rai And Anr. v. State of Bihar Criminal Appeal Nos.1747-1748 of 2011 Petitioner: Deepak Rai Respondent: State of Bihar Apeal: Criminal Appeal...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 4117 of 2006With Civil Appeal Nos. 5361-5362 of 2007[From the Judgement and Order dated 07.07.2006 of the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity, New Delhi in...
Appeal: Writ Petition (Civil) No. 580 of 2013WithSLP (Civil) No. 24693 of 2013[Under Article 32 of the Constitution of India] Petitioner: Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Medical College &...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 8083 of 2013(Arising out of SLP (C) No.26872 of 2011) Petitioner: R. Venkata Ramana & Anr. Respondent: The United India Insurance Co. Ltd. &...