Category: Supreme Court of India
Appeal: CIVIL APPEAL NO. 11133 OF 2011 Petitioner: M/S. ADANI POWER LTD. APPLICANT/ Respondent: GUJARAT ELECTRICITY REGULATORY COMMISSION and OTHERS Judges: , Chelameswar , Abhay Manohar Sapre Date...
Appeal: CIVIL APPEAL NO.2904 OF 2011 Petitioner: Union of India and Anr. Respondent: Rajbir Singh . Judges: , Chelameswar , Abhay Manohar Sapre Date of Judgment: Dec 03,...
Appeal: TRANSFER PETITION (CIVIL) NO. 702 OF 2015 Petitioner: Vennangot Anuradha Samir Respondent: Vennangot Mohandas Samir Judges: C. Nagappan Date of Judgment: Dec 02, 2015 JUDGEMENT: CIVIL ORIGINAL...
Appeal: CIVIL APPEAL NO. 10747 OF 2013 Petitioner: PURUSHOTHAM Respondent: STATE OF KARNATAKA and ORS. . Judges: KURIAN JOSEPH , , ROHINTON FALI NARIMAN Date of Judgment: Dec...
Appeal: CIVIL APPEAL No.14015 OF 2015 Petitioner: M/S ADANI AGRI FRESH LTD Respondent: MAHABOOB SHARIF and ORS Judges: JAGDISH SINGH KHEHAR, R. BANUMATHI Date of Judgment: Dec 02,...
Appeal: CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 1620 OF 2015 Petitioner: Sujoy Mitra Respondent: State of West Bengal Judges: JAGDISH SINGH KHEHAR Date of Judgment: Dec 02, 2015 JUDGEMENT: CRIMINAL APPELLATE...
Appeal: CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 1612 OF 2015 Petitioner: Madan Razak Respondent: State of Bihar and others Judges: JAGDISH SINGH KHEHAR Date of Judgment: Dec 01, 2015 JUDGEMENT: REPORTABLE...
Appeal: CIVIL APPEAL NO. 3687 OF 2006 Petitioner: Rajni Sanghi Respondent: Western Indian State Motors Ltd. and Ors. Judges: VIKRAMAJIT SEN, SHIVA KIRTI SINGH Date of Judgment: Dec...