Pramod Kumar Manocha Vs. Central Bureau of Investigation
Appeal: Appeal No. 1117 of 1999 (From the Judgment Order dated 27/28.9.99 of the Special Court, (Trial of Offences relating to Transactions in Securities) Act, 1992, Mumbai in...
Appeal: Appeal No. 1117 of 1999 (From the Judgment Order dated 27/28.9.99 of the Special Court, (Trial of Offences relating to Transactions in Securities) Act, 1992, Mumbai in...
Appeal: Reference No. 1 of 2002 (Under Article 317(1) of the Constitution of India) Petitioner: Respondent: Re. – In respect of Shri Ravinder Pal Singh Sidhu, Chairman, Punjab...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 2693 of 2000 With C.A. Nos. 3437-3438, 3553, 3688, 3805-3807, 4263, 4767, 4832-4834, 6272, 7090 of 2000, CA Nos. 335, 4249-50, 8113-14 of 2001...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 4170 of 1999 With C.A. No. 4171 of 1999 (From the Judgment and Order dated 20.5.98 of the Allahabad High Court in C.M. W.P....
Appeal: Writ Petition (C) No. 295 of 1992 (Under Article 32 of the Constitution of India) Petitioner: N.D. Jayal and Another Respondent: Union of India and Others Apeal:...
Appeal: Criminal Appeal No. 54 of 2003 (From the Judgment and Order dated 24.4.2002 of the Delhi High Court in Crl. A. No. 473 of 1999) Petitioner: Sukhdev...
Appeal: Criminal Appeal Nos. 1150-1151 of 2001 (From the Judgment and Order dated 5.9.2000 of the High Court of Rajasthan in DBCRA No. 1/98 and 563/97) Petitioner: Chittarmal...
Appeal: Criminal Appeal Nos. 42-43 of 2002 (From the Judgment and Order dated 5.9.2000 of the High Court of Rajasthan in DBCRA No. 1/98 and 563/97) Petitioner: Moti...