M.P. Electricity Board Vs. Hariram etc.
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 2240 of 2001 etc. (From the Judgment and order dated 10.5.2000 of the Madhya Pradesh High Court in W.P. No. 4604 of 1998) Petitioner:...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 2240 of 2001 etc. (From the Judgment and order dated 10.5.2000 of the Madhya Pradesh High Court in W.P. No. 4604 of 1998) Petitioner:...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 1980 of 2000 (From the Judgment and Order dated 22.11.99 of the Allahabad High Court in C.Misc.W.P.No. 18979 of 1998) (With C.A. Nos. 1260/2001,...
Appeal: Criminal Appeal No. 222 of 1997 (From the Judgment and Order dated 26.8.96 of the Himachal Pradesh High Court in Crl. A.No. 2 of 1995) Petitioner: State...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 1168 of 2002 With C.A.No. 1167 of 2002) (From the Judgment and Order dated 7.12.2000 of the Punjab and Haryana High Court in C.W.P....
Appeal: Civil Appeal Nos. 1164-66 of 2002 Petitioner: Executive Engineer ZP Engg. Divn. & Anr. Respondent: Digambara Rao etc. etc. Apeal: Civil Appeal Nos. 1164-66 of 2002 Judges:...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 8418 of 2002 (From the Judgment and Order dated 24.9.2001 of the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, New Delhi in R.P.No. 1546 of 2001)...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 7562 of 2002 (From the Judgment and Order dated 16.10.2001 of the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, New Delhi in R.P.No. 890 of 2001)...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 7596 of 2002 (From the Judgment and Order dated 3.12.2001 of the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, New Delhi in R.P. No. 2006 of...