Manish Maheshwari Vs. Asstt. Commissioner of Income Tax and Anr.
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 924 of 2007(Arising out of SLP (Civil) No. 3792 of 2005)WithM/s Indore Construction (Pvt.) Ltd. v. Commissioner of Income TaxCivil Appeal No. 925 of...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 924 of 2007(Arising out of SLP (Civil) No. 3792 of 2005)WithM/s Indore Construction (Pvt.) Ltd. v. Commissioner of Income TaxCivil Appeal No. 925 of...
Appeal: Criminal Appeal No. 249 of 2007(Arising out of SLP (Crl.) No. 3374 of 2006)[From the final Order/Judgment dated 11.7.2006 of the High Court of Judicature at Madras...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 940 of 2007(Arising out of SLP (C) No. 11085 of 2006)WithM/s Platinum Entertainment and Anr. v. City Industrial Development Corpn. and Anr.Civil Appeal No....
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 928 of 2007(Arising out of SLP (C) No. 12390 of 2006)[From the final Judgment/Order dated 16.2.2006 of the High Court of Punjab and Haryana...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 919 of 2007(Arising out of Special Leave Petition (C) Nos.10429 to 10431 of 2005)[From the final common Judgment and Order dated 31.12.2004 of the...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 5079 of 2000[From the Judgment and final Order dated 22.3.1999 of the High Court of Karnataka at Bangalore in R.F.A. No. 672 of 1996]...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 920 of 2007(Arising out of SLP (C) No. 1636 of 2006)[From the final Judgment and Order dated 21.10.2005 of the High Court of Punjab...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 4761 of 2006[From the Judgment and final Order dated 26.5.2006 of the High Court of Judicature at Allahabad in Civil Misc. Writ Petition No....