THE AGRICULTURAL AND PROCESSED FOODPRODUCTS EXPORT CESS ACT, 1985 ACT No. 3 OF 1986 8th January, 1986 An Act to provide for the levy andcollection, by way of...
THE AGRICULTURAL AND PROCESSED FOODPRODUCTS EXPORT CESS ACT, 1985 ACT No. 3 OF 1986 8th January, 1986 An Act to provide for the levy andcollection, by way of...
THE EXTRADITION ACT, 1962 ACT No. 34 OF 1962 15thSeptember, 1962 An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to theextradition of fugitive criminals 1 [and to...
THE MATERNITY BENEFIT ACT, 1961 ACT No. 53 OF 1961 12th December, 1961 An Act to regulate the employment of women in certainestablishments for certain periods before and...
THE TEA COMPANIES (ACQUISITION AND TRANSFER OF SICK TEA UNITS)ACT, 1985 ACT No. 37 OF 1985 28th May,1985 An Act to provide for the acquisition and transfer of...
THE ANDHRA SCIENTIFIC COMPANY LIMITED (ACQUISITION AND TRANSFER OFUNDERTAKINGS) ACT, 1982 ACT No. 71 OF 1982 13th November, 1982 An Act to provide for the acquisition...
THE INDIAN CONTRACT ACT, 1872 ACT No. 9 OF 1872 25th April, 1872 WHEREAS it is expedient to define and amendcertain parts of the law relating to contracts;...
THE OIL AND NATURAL GAS COMMISSION (TRANSFER OF UNDERTAKING ANDREPEAL) ACT, 1993 ACT No. 65 OF 1993 4thSeptember, 1993 An Act to provide for the transfer and vesting...
THE UNIVERSITYOF HYDERABAD ACT, 1974 ACT No. 39 OF 1974 3rdSeptember, 1974 An Act to establish and incorporate a teaching University in theState of Andhra Pradeshand to provide...