Dr. Paramjit Singh Ranu Vs. State of Punjab and Others
Appeal: SLP (C) No. 23360 of 1997 (From the Judgment and Order dated 26-11-1997 in CWP No. 14337 of 1997 of the High Court of Punjab and Haryana...
Appeal: SLP (C) No. 23360 of 1997 (From the Judgment and Order dated 26-11-1997 in CWP No. 14337 of 1997 of the High Court of Punjab and Haryana...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 2537 of 1998 (Arising out of SLP (C) No. 12045 of 1997) Petitioner: Commissioner of Police, Delhi & Anr. Respondent: Dhaval Singh Apeal: Civil...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 167 of 1997 , Petitioner: Formica India Division Ltd. Respondent: Collector of central Excise. Apeal: Civil Appeal No. 167 of 1997 , Judges: S.C.AGRAWAL...
Appeal: Special Leave to Appeal (Civil) No. 4968 of 1997, with S.L.P (Civil) No. 8481 of 1997 Petitioner: Narayani Devi Respondent: Mahendra Kr. Tripathi and Others. Apeal: Special...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 8876 of 1997 (From the Judgment and Order dated 24.1.97 of the Orissa Adminis-trative Tribunal, Cuttack in O.A. No. 576 of 1996) Petitioner: The...
Appeal: Writ Petition) Nos.17 and 824 of 1996. Civil Appeal Nos.2797-98 of 1992. (From the Judgment and Order dated 16.11.1990 of the Bombay High Court in W.P. Nos....
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 1092 of 1992 etc. (From the Judgment and Order dated 19.4.90 of the Central Admin-istrative Tribunal, Bombay in R.P. No. 13 of 1990) With...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 1368 of 1990. (From the Judgment and Order dated 30.6.1989 of the Madhya Pra-desh Administrative Tribunal, Jabalpur, in O.A. No. 683 of 1988) Petitioner:...