Appeal: Petitioner: Respondent: Apeal: Judges: Date of Judgment: Jan 21, 1999 Head Note: CONTRACT LAWS Contract Act, 1872 Section 25 – Bank loan against mortgage – Charging of...
Appeal: Petitioner: Respondent: Apeal: Judges: Date of Judgment: Jan 21, 1999 Head Note: CONTRACT LAWS Contract Act, 1872 Section 25 – Bank loan against mortgage – Charging of...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 6734-A of 1983 with CMP No. 10272 of 1983, SLP No. 5706 of 1997, T.C. No. 359 of 1983. Petitioner: Western Coalfields Limited Respondent:...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 2216 of 1988 Petitioner: Kerala Ayurveda Vydyasala Ltd. Respondent: Pandara Valappil Kallanai and Another Apeal: Civil Appeal No. 2216 of 1988 Judges: K.T. THOMAS,...
Appeal: Civil Appeals No. 931 of 1991 with No. 1775 of 1992 Petitioner: S.S.M. Brothers (P) Ltd. and Others Respondent: Commissioner Of Income Tax (Central) Madras Apeal: Civil...
Appeal: CIVIL APPEAL NO. 1215 OF 1986 (From the Judgment and Order dated 21.3.94 of the Patna High Court in Civil Revision Application No. 116/80) Petitioner: Utkal Commercial...
Appeal: Writ Petition No. 238 of 1992 Etc. (Under Article 32 of the Constitution of India) Petitioner: Secunderabad Hyderabad Hotel Owners Association & Ors. Respondent: Hyderabad Municipal Corporation,...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 226-227 of 1999 (From the Judgement and Order dated 15.7.97 of the Delhi High Court in L.P.A. Nos. 27 and 79 of 1997) Petitioner:...
Appeal: Petitioner: Respondent: Apeal: Judges: Date of Judgment: Jan 20, 1999 Head Note: Art 14, 16, 21 – Right to Equality and Right to Life and Liberty-Working woman-Sexual...