R. Sarala Vs. T.S. Velu and Ors.
Appeal: Criminal Appeal Nos. 366-368 of 2000 (Arising out of SLP(Crl.) Nos.2711-13 of 1999) (From the Judgment and Order dated 8.2.99 of the Madras High Court in Crl.O.P....
Appeal: Criminal Appeal Nos. 366-368 of 2000 (Arising out of SLP(Crl.) Nos.2711-13 of 1999) (From the Judgment and Order dated 8.2.99 of the Madras High Court in Crl.O.P....
Appeal: Civil Appeal Nos. 7063-7065 of 2000 Etc. (Arising out of SLP (C) Nos. 9170-9172 of 1999) With Civil Appeal Nos. 7066-7067 of 2000 (Arising out of SLP...
Appeal: Criminal Appeal No.1054 of 2000 (Arising out of SLP (Crl.) No.3102/98) With Criminal Appeal Nos.1055-58/2000, 1059-62/2000, 1066-68/2000, 1069/2000, 1070/2000 and 1071/2000 (Arising out of SLP (Crl.) Nos.3312-15/98,...
Appeal: Criminal Appeal No. 744 of 2000 (Arising out of S.L.P. (Crl.) No.1097 of 1999) (From the Judgment and Order dated 23.3.99 of the Bombay High Court in...
Appeal: Writ Petition (C) No. 135 of 2000 (Under Article 32 of the Constitution of India) Petitioner: R.L. Meena and Ors. Respondent: Union of India & Ors. Apeal:...
Appeal: Special Leave Petition (C) Nos. 14409-14503 of 2000 (Arising out of S.L.P. Computer Code No. 5141-5155/2000) (From the Judgment and Order dated 20.1.2000 of the Karnataka High...
Appeal: Criminal Appeal Nos. 761-762 of 2000 (Arising out of SLP (Crl.) Nos. 1559-1560/2000) Petitioner: State of J & K Respondent: Abdul Ahad Sheikh & Ors. Apeal: Criminal...
Appeal: Crl. Appeal No. 746 of 2000 (Arising out of SLP (Crl.) No. 2392 of 2000) Petitioner: Vajja Srinivasu @ Srinu Respondent: State of Andhra Pradesh Apeal: Crl....