ACT No. 39 OF 1974
3rdSeptember, 1974
An Act to establish and incorporate a teaching University in theState of Andhra Pradeshand to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto
BE it enacted by Parliament inthe Twenty–fifth Year of the Republicof India as follows: –
1.Short title and commencement: (1) This Act may be called theUniversity of Hyderabad Act, 1974.
(2) It shall come into force onsuch date as the Central Government may, by notification in the OfficialGazette, appoint.
2.Definitions: In this Act, and in allStatutes made hereunder, unless the context otherwise requires, –
(a) "AcademicCouncil" means the Academic Council of the University;
(b) "academic staff"means such categories of staff as are designated as academic staff by theOrdinances;
(c) "Board ofStudies" means the Board of Studies of the University;
(d) "Chancellor","Vice–Chancellor" and "Pro–Vice–Chancellor"mean, respectively, the Chancellor, Vice–Chancellor and Pro–Vice–Chancellorof the University;
(e) "College" means aCollege maintained by the University;
(f) "Court" means theCourt of the University;
(g) "Department"means a Department of Studies, and includes a Centre of Studies;
(h) "employee" meansany person appointed by the University, and includes teachers and other staffof the University;
(i) "ExecutiveCouncil" means the Executive Council of the University;
(j) "Hall" means aunit of residence or of corporate life for the students of the University,College or Institution, provided maintained or recognised by the University;
(k) "Institution"means an academic institution, not being a College, maintained by theUniversity;
(l) "Principal" meansthe Head of a College or an Institution;
(m) "recognisedinstitution" means an institution of higher learning recognised by theUniversity;
(n) "recognisedteachers" means persons working in any recognised institution or in anyInstitution associated with the University and recognised by the University forthe purpose of imparting instruction or conducting research or both;
(o) "School" means a School of Studies of the University;
(p) "Statutes","Ordinances" and "Regulations", Readers, Lecturers and suchother persons as may be appointed for imparting instruction or conductingresearch in the University or in any College or Institution maintained by theUniversity and designated as teachers by the Ordinances;
(q) "teachers of theUniversity" means Professors, Readers, Lecturers and such other persons asmay be appointed for imparting instruction or conducting research in theUniversity or in any College or Institution maintained by the University anddesignated as teachers by the ordinances;
(r) "University"means the Universityof Hyderabad.
3.The University: (1) There shall beestablished, in the State of Andhra Pradesh, aUniversity by the name of "Universityof Hyderabad".
(2) The headquarters of theUniversity shall be at Hyderabadand it may establish campuses at such other places within its jurisdiction asit may deem fit.
(3) The first Chancellor andthe first Vice–Chancellor and the first members of the Court, theExecutive Council and the Academic Council and all persons who may hereafterbecome such officers or members, so long as they continue to hold such officeor membership, are hereby constituted a body corporate by the name of "University of Hyderabad".
(4) The University shall haveperpetual succession and a common seal, and shall sue and be sued by the saidname.
4.Objects: The objects of the Universityshall be to disseminate and advance knowledge by providing instructional andresearch facilities in such branches of learning as it may deem fit and by theexample of its corporate life, and, in particular, to make special provisionsfor integrated courses in humanities and science in the educational programmesof the University and to take appropriate measures for promoting inter–disciplinarystudies and research in the University.
5.Powers of the University: The University shall have thefollowing powers, namely: –
(1) to provide for instructionsin such branches of learning as the University may, from time to time,determine and to make provision for research and for the advancement anddissemination of knowledge;
(2) to grant, subject to suchconditions as the University may determine, diplomas or certificates to, andconfer degrees and other academic distinctions on the basis of examinations,evaluation or any other method of testing, on persons, and to withdraw any suchdiplomas, certificates, degrees or other academic distinctions for good andsufficient cause;
(3) to organise and toundertake extra–mural studies and extension services;
(4) to confer honorary degreesor other distinctions in the manner prescribed by the Statutes;
(5) to provide instruction,including correspondence and such other courses, to such persons as are notmembers of the University, as it may determine;
(6) to institutePrincipalships, Professorships, Readerships, Lecturerships, and other teachingor academic posts required by the University and to appoint persons to suchPrincipalships, Professorships, Readerships, Lecturerships or other posts;
(7) to recognise an Institutionof higher learning for such purposes as the University may determine and towithdraw such recognition;
(8) to recognise personsworking in any recognised institution or in any Institution associated with theUniversity for imparting instruction or supervising research or both, and towithdraw such recognition;
(9) to appoint persons workingin any other University or organisation as teachers of the University for aspecified period;
(10) to create administrative,ministerial and other posts and to make appointments thereto;
(11) to co–operate orcollaborate or associate with any other University or authority or Institutionof higher learning in such manner and for such purposes as the University maydetermine;
(12) to establish suchcampuses, special centres, specialised laboratories or other units for researchand instruction as are, in the opinion of the University, necessary for thefurtherance of its objects;
(13) to institute and awardfellowships, scholarships, studentships, medals and prizes;
(14) to establish and maintainColleges, Institutions and Halls;
(15) to make provision forresearch and advisory services; and for that purposes to enter into sucharrangements with other Institutions or bodies as the University may deemnecessary;
(16) to declare a College, anInstitution or a Department as an autonomous College or Institution or
Department, as the case may be;
(17) to determine standards foradmission into the University, which may include examination, evaluation or anyother method of testing;
(18) to demand and receivepayment of fees and other charges;
(19) to supervise theresidences of the students of the University and to make arrangements forpromoting their health and general welfare;
(20) to make specialarrangements in respect of women students as the University may considerdesirable;
(21) to regulate and enforcediscipline among the employees and students of the University and take suchdisciplinary measures in this regard as may be deemed by the University to benecessary;
(22) to make arrangements forpromoting the health and general welfare of the employees;
(23) to receive donations andto acquire, hold, manage and dispose of any property, movable or immovable,including trust and endowment properties for the purposes of the University;
(24) to borrow, with theapproval of the Central Government, on the security of the property of theUniversity, money for the purposes of the University;
(25) to do all such other actsand things as may be necessary, incidental or conducive to the attainment ofall or any of the objects of the University.
6.Jurisdiction: (1) The jurisdiction of theUniversity shall extend to the whole of the State of Andhra Pradesh.
(2) No institution affiliatedto or associated with or maintained by any other University in the State of Andhra Pradesh shall be recognised by the University of Hyderabadfor any purpose except with the prior approval of the Government of the Stateof Andhra Pradeshand the concerned University.
7.University open to allclasses, castes and creed: The University shall be open to persons of either sex and ofwhatever race, creed, or class, and it shall not be lawful for the Universityto adopt or impose on any person any test whatsoever of religious belief orprofession in order to entitle him to be admitted therein, as a teacher or student,or to hold any office therein, or to graduate thereat or to enjoy or exerciseany privilege thereof:
Provided that nothing in thissection shall be deemed to prevent the University from making specialprovisions for admission of students of the weaker sections of the people and,in particular, of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes.
8.Visitor: (1) The President of India shall bethe Visitor of the University.
(2) The Visitor shall have theright to cause an inspection to be made by such person or persons as he maydirect, of the University, its buildings, laboratories and equipment, and ofany College or Institution maintained by the University; and also of theexaminations, teaching and other work conducted or done by the University and tocause an inquiry to be made in like manner in respect of any matter connectedwith the administration or finances of the University, Colleges orInstitutions.
(3) The Visitor shall, in everycase, give notice to the University of his intention to cause an inspection orinquiry to be made and on receipt of such notice, the University shall have theright to make such representations to the Visitor, as it may considernecessary.
(4) After considering therepresentations, if any, made by the University, the Visitor may cause to bemade such inspection or inquiry as is referred to in sub–section (2).
(5) Where any inspection orinquiry has been caused to be made by the Visitor, the University shall beentitled to appoint a representative who shall have the right to be present andto be heard at such inspection or inquiry.
(6) The Visitor may, if theinspection or inquiry is made in respect of the University or any College orInstitution maintained by it, address the Vice–Chancellor with referenceto the result of such inspection or inquiry, and the Vice–Chancellorshall communicate to the Executive Council the views of the Visitor with suchadvice as the Visitor may be pleased to offer upon the action to be takenthereon.
(7) The Executive Council shallcommunicate through the Vice–Chancellor to the Visitor such action, ifany, as it proposes to take or has been taken upon the result of suchinspection or inquiry.
(8) Where the Executive Councildoes not, within a reasonable time, take action to the satisfaction of theVisitor, the Visitor may, after considering any explanation furnished orrepresentation made by the Executive Council, issue such directions as he maythink fit and the Executive Council shall comply with such directions.
(9) Without prejudice to theforegoing provisions of this section, the Visitor may, by order in writing,annul any proceeding of the University which is not in conformity with thisAct, the Statutes or Ordinances:
Provided that before making anysuch order, he shall call upon the University to show cause why such an ordershould not be made, and, if any cause is shown within a reasonable time, heshall consider the same.
(10) The Visitor shall havesuch other powers as may be prescribed by the Statutes.
9.Chief Rector: The Governor of the State of Andhra Pradesh shall bethe Chief Rector of the University.
10.Officers of the University: The following shall be theofficers of the University: –
(1) The Chancellor;
(2) The Vice–Chancellor;
(3) The Pro–Vice–Chancelloror, if more than one are appointed, the Pro–Vice–Chancellors;
(4) The Deans of Schools;
(5) The Registrar;
(6) The Finance Officer; and
(7) Such other officers as maybe declared by the Statutes to be officers of the University.
11.The Chancellor: (1) The Chancellor shall beappointed by the Visitor in such manner as may be prescribed by the Statutes.
(2) The Chancellor shall, byvirtue of his office, be the Head of the University.
(3) The Chancellor shall, ifpresent, preside at the convocations of the University held for conferringdegrees.
12.The Vice-Chancellor: (1) The Vice–Chancellorshall be appointed by the Visitor in such manner as may be prescribed by theStatutes.
(2) The Vice–Chancellorshall be the principal executive and academic officer of the University, andshall exercise general supervision and control over the affairs of theUniversity and give effect to the decisions of all the authorities of theUniversity.
(3) The Vice–Chancellormay, if he is of opinion that immediate action is necessary on any matter,exercise any power conferred on any authority of the University by or underthis Act and shall report to such authority the action taken by him on suchmatter:
Provided that if the authorityconcerned is of opinion that such action ought not to have been taken, it mayrefer the matter to the Visitor whose decision thereon shall be final:
Provided further that anyperson in the service of the University who is aggrieved by the action taken bythe Vice–Chancellor under this sub–section shall have the rightto appeal against such action to the Executive Council within three months fromthe date on which decision on such action is communicated to him and thereuponthe Executive Council may confirm, modify or reverse the action taken by the Vice–Chancellor.
(4) The Vice–Chancellorshall exercise such other powers and perform such other functions as may beprescribed by the Statutes or Ordinances.
13.The Pro-Vice-Chancellors: Every Pro–Vice–Chancellorshall be appointed in such manner and shall exercise such powers and performsuch duties as may be prescribed by the Statutes.
14.Deans of Schools: Every Dean of a School shallbe appointed in such manner and shall exercise such powers and perform suchduties as may be prescribed by the Statutes.
15.The Registrar: (1) The Registrar shall beappointed in such manner as may be prescribed by the Statutes.
(2) The Registrar shall havethe power to enter into agreements, sign documents and authenticate records onbehalf of the University and shall exercise such other powers and perform suchother duties as may be prescribed by the Statutes.
16.The Finance Officer: The Finance Officer shall beappointed in such manner and shall exercise such powers and perform such dutiesas may be prescribed by the Statutes.
17.Other officers: The manner of appointment andpowers and duties of other officers of the University shall be prescribed bythe Statutes.
18.Authorities of theUniversity: Thefollowing shall be the authorities of the University: –
(1) The Court;
(2) The Executive Council;
(3) The Academic Council;
(4) The Boards of Schools; and
(5) Such other authorities asmay be declared by the Statutes to be authorities of the University.
19.The Court: (1) The constitution of theCourt and the term of office of its members shall be prescribed by theStatutes.
(2) Subject to the provisionsof this Act, the Court shall have the following powers and functions, namely: –
(a) to review, from time totime, the broad policies and programmes of the University and to suggestmeasures for the improvement and development of the University;
(b) to consider and passresolutions on the annual report and the annual accounts of the University andthe audit report on such accounts;
(c) toadvise the Visitor in respect of any matter which may be referred to it foradvice; and
(d) to perform such otherfunctions as may be prescribed by the Statutes.
20.The Executive Council: (1) The Executive Councilshall be the principal executive body of the University.
(2) The constitution of theExecutive Council, the term of office of its members and its powers andfunctions shall be prescribed by the Statutes.
21.The Academic Council: (1) The Academic Council shallbe the principal academic body of the University and shall, subject to theprovisions of this Act, the Statutes and Ordinances, co–ordinate andexercise general supervision over the academic policies of the University.
(2) The constitution of theAcademic Council, the term of office of its members and its powers andfunctions shall be prescribed by the Statutes.
22.Other authorities of theUniversity: Theconstitution, powers and functions of the Boards of Schools and of such otherauthorities as may be declared by the Statutes to be authorities of theUniversity, shall be prescribed by the Statutes.
23.Planning Board: (1) There shall be constituteda Planning Board of the University which shall advise generally on the planningand development of the University and keep under review the standard ofeducation and research in the University.
(2) The constitution of thePlanning Board and the manner of appointment of its members shall be prescribedby the Statutes.
(3) The Visitor may determine adate with effect from which the Planning Board shall stand dissolved.
24.Statutes: Subject to the provisions ofthis Act, the Statutes may provide for all or any of the following matters,namely: –
(a) the constitution, powersand functions of the authorities and other bodies of the University, as may beconstituted from time to time;
(b) the election andcontinuance in office of the members of the said authorities and bodies, thefilling of vacancies of members, and all other matters relative to thoseauthorities and other bodies for which it may be necessary or desirable toprovide;
(c) the appointment, powers andduties of the officers of the University and their emoluments and other termsand conditions of service;
(d) the appointment of teachersof the University and other academic staff and their emoluments and other termsand conditions of service;
(e) the appointment of teachersand other academic staff working in any other University or organisation for aspecified period for undertaking a joint project;
(f) the conditions of serviceof employees including provision for pension, insurance and provident fund, themanner of termination of service and disciplinary action;
(g) the principles governingseniority of service of employees;
(h) the procedure forarbitration in cases of dispute between employees or students and theUniversity;
(i) the procedure for appeal tothe Executive Council by any employee or student against the action of anyofficer or authority of the University;
(j) the establishment andrecognition of Students’ Union or associations of teachers, academic staff orother employees;
(k) the participation ofstudents in the affairs of the University;
(l) the conferment of honorarydegrees;
(m) the withdrawal of degrees,diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions;
(n) the institution offellowships, scholarships, studentships, medals and prizes;
(o) the maintenance ofdiscipline among the students;
(p) the establishment andabolition of Schools, Departments, Halls, Colleges and Institutions;
(q) the extent of autonomywhich a College, Institution or Department may have and the matters in relationto which such autonomy may be exercised;
(r) the delegation of powersvested in the authorities or officers of the University; and
(s) all other matters which bythis Act are to be, or may be, provided by the Statutes.
25.Statutes how made: (1) The first Statutes arethose set out in the Schedule.
(2) The Executive Council may,from time to time, make new or additional Statutes or may amend or repeal theStatutes referred to in sub–section (1):
Provided that the ExecutiveCouncil shall not make, amend or repeal any Statute affecting the status,powers or constitution of any authority of the University until such authorityhas been given an opportunity of expressing an opinion in writing on theproposed changes, and any opinion so expressed shall be considered by theExecutive Council.
(3) Every new Statute oraddition to the Statutes or any amendment or repeal of a Statute shall requirethe approval of the Visitor who may assent thereto or withhold assent or remitthe same to the Executive Council for consideration.
(4) A new Statute or a Statuteamending or repealing an existing Statute shall have no validity unless it hasbeen assented to by the Visitor.
(5) Notwithstanding anythingcontained in the foregoing sub–sections, the Visitor may make new oradditional Statutes or amend or repeal the Statutes referred to in sub–section(1) during the period of three years immediately after the commencement of thisAct:
Provided that the Visitor may,on the expiry of the said period of three years make, within one year from thedate of such expiry, such detailed Statutes as he may consider necessary andsuch detailed Statutes shall be laid before both Houses of Parliament.
26.Ordinances: (1) Subject to the provisionsof this Act and the Statutes, the Ordinances may provide for all or any of thefollowing matters, namely: –
(a) the admission of studentsto the University and their enrolment as such;
(b) the courses of study to belaid down for all degrees, diplomas and certificates of the University.
(c) the award of degrees,diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions, the qualifications forthe same and the means to be taken relating to the granting and obtaining ofthe same;
(d) the fees to be charged forcourses of study in the University and for admission to the
examinations, degrees anddiplomas of the University;
(e) the conditions of award offellowships, scholarships, studentships, medals and prizes;
(f) the conduct ofexaminations, including the term of office and of appointment and the duties ofexamining bodies, examiners and moderators;
(g) the conditions of residenceof the students of the University;
(h) the special arrangements,if any, which may be made for, the residence, discipline and teaching of womenstudents and the prescribing of special courses of studies for them;
(i) the appointment andemoluments of employees other than those for whom provision has been made inthe Statutes;
(j) the establishment ofCentres of Studies, Boards of Studies, Special Centres, SpecialisedLaboratories and other Committees;
(k) the terms and conditions ofthe recognition of Institutions of higher learning and its
(l) the terms and conditions onwhich persons working in any recognised institution or in any Institutionassociated with the University may be recognised as teachers and forwithdrawing such recognition;
(m) the manner of co–operationor collaboration or association with other Universities, authorities orInstitutions of higher learning;
(n) the creation, compositionand functions of any other body which is considered necessary for improving theacademic life of the University;
(o) such other terms andconditions of service of teachers and other academic staff as are notprescribed by the Statutes;
(p) the management of Collegesand Institutions established by the University; and
(q) all other matters which bythis Act or the Statutes may be provided for by the Ordinances.
(2) The first Ordinances shallbe made by the Vice–Chancellor with the previous approval of the CentralGovernment and the Ordinances so made may be amended, repealed or added to atany time by the Executive Council in the manner prescribed by the Statutes.
27.Regulations: The authorities of theUniversity may make Regulations consistent with this Act, the Statutes and theOrdinances for the conduct of their own business and that of the Committeesappointed by them and not provided for by this Act, the Statutes or the Ordinancesin the manner prescribed by the Statutes.
28.Annual report: (1) The annual report of theUniversity shall be prepared under the direction of the Executive Council andshall be submitted to the Court on or after such date as may be prescribed bythe Statutes and the Court shall consider the report in its annual meeting.
(2) The Court shall submit theannual report to the Visitor along with its comments, if any.
29.Annual accounts: (1) The annualaccounts and balance–sheet of the University shall be prepared under thedirections of the Executive Council and shall once at least every year and atintervals of not more than fifteen months be audited by the Comptroller andAuditor–General of India.
(2) The annual accounts whenaudited shall be published in the Gazette of India and a copy of the accountstogether with the report of the Comptroller and Auditor–General shall besubmitted to the Court and the Visitor along with the observations of theExecutive Council.
(3) Any observations made bythe Visitor on the annual accounts shall be brought to the notice of the Courtand the observations of the Court, if any, shall, after being considered by theExecutive Council, be submitted to the Visitor.
(4) A copy of the accountstogether with the report of the Comptroller and Auditor–General ofIndia, as submitted to the Visitor, shall also be submitted to the CentralGovernment who shall, as soon as may be, cause the same to be laid before bothHouses of Parliament.
30.Conditions of service ofemployees: (1) Every employee shall beappointed under a written contract which shall be lodged with the Universityand a copy of which shall be furnished to the employee concerned.
(2) Any dispute arising out ofa contract between the University and any employee shall, at the request of theemployee, be referred to a Tribunal of Arbitration consisting of one memberappointed by the Executive Council, one member nominated by the employeeconcerned and an umpire appointed by the Visitor. The decision of the Tribunalshall be final, and no suit shall lie in any civil court in respect of thematters decided by the Tribunal. Every such request shall be deemed to be asubmission to arbitration, upon the terms of this section, within the meaningof the Arbitration Act, 1940(2 of 1940).
31.Procedure of appeal andarbitration in disciplinary cases against students: (1) Any student or candidate for an examinationwhose name has been removed from the rolls of the University by the orders orresolution of the Vice–Chancellor, Discipline Committee or ExaminationCommittee, as the case may be, and who has been debarred from appearing at theexaminations of the University for more than one year, may, within ten days ofthe date of receipt of such orders or copy of such resolution by him, appeal tothe Executive Council and the Executive Council may confirm, modify or reversethe decision of the Vice–Chancellor or the Committee, as the case maybe.
(2) Any dispute arising out ofany disciplinary action taken by the University against a student shall, at therequest of such student, be referred to a Tribunal of Arbitration and theprovisions of sub–section (2) of section 30 shall, as far as may be,apply to a reference made under this sub–section.
32.Right to appeal: Every employee or student ofthe University shall, notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, have aright to appeal, within such time as may be prescribed by the Statutes, to theExecutive Council against the decision of any officer or authority of theUniversity and thereupon the Executive Council may confirm, modify or reversethe decision appealed against.
33.Provident and pension funds: (1) The University shallconstitute for the benefit of its employees such pension or provident fund orprovide such insurance schemes as it may deem fit in such manner and subject tosuch conditions as may be prescribed by the Statutes.
(2) Where such provident orpension fund has been so constituted, the Central Government may declare thatthe provisions of the Provident Funds Act, 1925, (19 of 1925) shall apply tosuch fund, as if it were a Government provident fund.
34.Disputes as to constitutionof University authorities and bodies: If any question arises as to whether any person hasbeen duly elected or appointed as, or is entitled to be, a member of anyauthority or other body of the University, the matter shall be referred to theVisitor whose decision thereon shall be final.
35.Constitution of Committees: Where any authority of theUniversity is given power by this Act or the Statutes to appoint Committees,such Committees shall, save as otherwise provided, consist of the members ofthe authority concerned and of such other persons (if any) as the authority ineach case may think fit.
36.Filling of casual vacancies: All casual vacancies among themembers (other than ex officio members) of any authority or other body of theUniversity shall be filled, as soon as conveniently may be, by the person orbody who appointed, elected or co–opted the member whose place hasbecome vacant and the person appointed, elected or co–opted to a casualvacancy shall be a member of such authority or body for the residue of the termfor which the person whose place he fills would have been a member.
37.Proceedings of Universityauthorities or bodies not invalidated by vacancies: No act or proceedings of anyauthority or other body of the University shall be invalid merely by reason ofthe existence of a vacancy or vacancies among its members.
38.Protection of action takenin good faith: No suitor other legal proceeding shall lie against any officer or employee of theUniversity for anything which is in good faith done or intended to be done inpursuance of any of the provisions of this Act, the Statutes or Ordinances.
39.Mode of proof of Universityrecord: A copy of any receipt,application, notice, order, proceeding, resolution of any authority orCommittee of the University, or other documents in possession of the Universityor any entry in any register duly maintained by the University, if certified bythe Registrar, shall be received as prima facie evidence of such receipt,application, notice, order, proceeding or resolution, documents or theexistence of entry in the register and shall be admitted as evidence of thematters and transactions therein where the original thereof would, if produced,have been admissible in evidence, notwithstanding anything contained in theIndian Evidence Act, 1872 (1 of 1872) or in any other law for the time being inforce.
40.Power to removedifficulties: If any difficultyarises in giving effect to the provisions of this Act, the Central Governmentmay, by order published in the Official Gazette, make such provisions, notinconsistent with the provisions of this Act, as appear to it to be necessaryor expedient for removing the difficulty:
Provided that no such ordershall be made under this section after the expiry of three years from thecommencement of this Act.
41.Transitional provisions: Notwithstanding anythingcontained in this Act and the Statutes–
(a) the first Chancellor andthe first Vice–Chancellor shall be appointed by the Visitor and each ofthe said officers shall hold office for a term of five years;
(b) the first Registrar and thefirst Finance Officer shall be appointed by the Visitor and each of the saidofficers shall hold office for a term of three years;
(c) the first Court and thefirst Executive Council shall consist of not more than thirty members andeleven members respectively, who shall be nominated by the Visitor and shallhold office for a term of three years;
(d) the Academic Council shallconsist of not more than twenty–one members, who shall be nominated bythe Visitor and shall hold office for a term of three years:
Provided that if any vacancyoccurs in the above offices or authorities, the same shall be filled byappointment or nomination, as the case may be, by the Visitor, and the personso appointed or nominated shall hold office for so long as the officer ormember in whose place he is appointed or nominated would have held office, ifsuch vacancy had not occurred;
(e) the first Academic Councilshall be constituted on the expiry of a period of one year from thecommencement of this Act and during the said period of one year, the powers ofthe Academic Council shall be performed by the Planning Board constituted undersection 23.
[See section 25 (1)]
1.The Vice-Chancellor: (1) The Vice–Chancellorshall be a whole–time salaried officer of the University.
(2) The Vice–Chancellorshall hold office for a term of five years from the date on which he entersupon his office:
Provided that the Visitor maydirect that a Vice–Chancellor, whose term of office has expired, shallcontinue in officer for such period, not exceeding a total period of one year,as may be specified in the direction.
(3) Notwithstanding anythingcontained in clause (2), a person appointed as Vice–Chancellor shall, ifhe attains the age of sixty–five years d ring the term of his office orany extension thereof, retire from office.
(4) The emoluments and otherterms and conditions of service of the Vice–Chancellor shall be asfollows: –
(i) There shall be paid to theVice–Chancellor a salary of three thousand rupees per mensem and heshall be entitled, without payment of rent, to use a furnished residencethroughout his term of office and no charge shall fall on the Vice–Chancellorpersonally in respect of the maintenance of such residence.
(ii) The Vice–Chancellorshall be entitled to such terminal benefits and allowances as may be fixed bythe Executive Council with the approval of the Visitor from time to time:
Provided that where an employeeof–
(a) the University; or
(b) any other University orCollege or Institution maintained by, or affiliated to, that University,
is appointed as Vice–Chancellor,he shall be allowed to continue to contribute to the provident fund to which heis a subscriber, and the contribution of the University shall be limited towhat he had been contributing immediately before his appointment as Vice–Chancellor.
(iii) The Vice–Chancellor shall beentitled to travelling allowances at such rates as may be fixed by theExecutive Council.
(iv) The Vice–Chancellor shall beentitled to leave on full pay for one–eleventh of the period spent byhim on active service.
(v) The Vice–Chancellor shall also beentitled, on medical grounds or otherwise, to leave without pay for a periodnot exceeding three months during the term of this office:
Provided that such leave may beconverted into leave on full pay to the extent to which he is entitled to leaveunder sub–clause (iv).
(5) If the office of the Vice–Chancellorbecomes vacant due to death, resignation or otherwise or if he is unable toperform his duties owing to absence, illness or any other cause, the Pro–Vice–Chancellor,shall perform the duties of the Vice–Chancellor until a new Vice–Chancellorassumes office or until the existing Vice–Chancellor attends to theduties of his office, as the case may be:
Provided that if a Pro–Vice–Chancelloris not available, the senior–most Professor shall perform the duties ofthe Vice–Chancellor.
2.Powers and duties of theVice-Chancellor: (1) TheVice–Chancellor shall be ex officio Chairman of the Court, the ExecutiveCouncil, the Academic Council and the Finance Committee, and shall, in theabsence of the Chancellor, preside at the Convocations of the University heldfor conferring degrees. The Vice–Chancellor shall be entitled to bepresent at, and to address, any meeting of any authority or other body of theUniversity, but shall not be entitled to vote thereat unless he is a member ofsuch authority or body.
(2) It shall be the duty of theVice–Chancellor to see that this Act, these Statutes, the Ordinances andthe Regulations are duly observed, and he shall have all powers necessary toensure such observance.
(3) The Vice–Chancellorshall have the power to convene or cause to be convened meetings of the Court,the Executive Council, the Academic Council and the Finance Committee.
3.Pro-Vice-Chancellors: (1) Every Pro–Vice–Chancellorshall be appointed by the Executive Council on the recommendation of the Vice–Chancellor:
Provided that where therecommendation of the Vice–Chancellor is not accepted by the ExecutiveCouncil, the matter shall be referred to the Visitor who may either appoint theperson recommended by the Vice–Chancellor or ask the Vice–Chancellorto recommend another person to the Executive Council:
Provided further that theExecutive Council may, on the recommendation of the Vice–Chancellor,appoint a Professor to discharge the duties of a Pro–Vice–Chancellorin addition to his own duties as a Professor.
(2) The term of office of a Pro–Vice–Chancellorshall be such as may be decided by the Executive Council, but it shall not inany case exceed five years or until the expiration of the term of office of theVice–Chancellor, whichever is earlier, and he shall be eligible for re–appointment:
Provided that a Pro–Vice–Chancellorshall retire on attaining the age of sixty–five years:
Provided further that the Pro–Vice–Chancellorshall, while discharging the duties of the Vice–Chancellor under clause(5) of Statute 1.continue in office notwithstanding the expiration of his termof office as Pro–Vice–Chancellor, until a new Vice–Chancelloror the Vice–Chancellor, as the case may be, assumes office:
Provided also that when theoffice of the Vice–Chancellor becomes vacant and there is no Pro–Vice–Chancellorto perform the functions of the Vice–Chancellor, the Executive Councilmay appoint a Pro–Vice–Chancellor and the Pro–Vice –Chancellorso appointed shall cease to hold office as such as soon as a Vice–Chancelloris appointed and enters upon his office.
(3) The emoluments and otherterms and conditions of service of a Pro–Vice–Chancellor shall besuch as may be prescribed by the Ordinances.
(4) A Pro–Vice–Chancellorshall assist the Vice–Chancellor in respect of such matters as may bespecified by the Vice–Chancellor in this behalf, from time to time, andshall also exercise such powers and perform such duties as may be assigned ordelegated to him by the Vice–Chancellor.
4.Registrar: (1) The Registrar shall be awhole–time salaried officer of the University.
(2) The emoluments and otherterms and conditions of service of the Registrar shall be such as may beprescribed by the Ordinances:
Provided that the Registrarshall retire on attaining the age of sixty years:
Provided further that aRegistrar shall, notwithstanding his attaining the age of sixty years, continuein office until his successor is appointed and enters upon his office or untilthe expiry of a period of one year whichever is earlier.
(3) When the office of theRegistrar is vacant or when the Registrar is, by reason of illness, absence orany other cause, unable to perform the duties of his office, the duties of theoffice shall be performed by such person as the Vice–Chancellor mayappoint for the purpose.
(4) (a) The Registrar shall have power totake disciplinary action against such of the employees, excluding teachers ofthe University and academic staff, as may be specified in the orders of theExecutive Council and to suspend them pending inquiry, to administer warningsto them or to impose on them the penalty of censure or the withholding ofincrement:
Provided that no such penaltyshall be imposed unless the person concerned has been given a reasonableopportunity of showing cause against the action proposed to be taken in regardto him.
(b) An appeal shall lie to theVice–Chancellor against any order of the Registrar imposing any of thepenalties specified in sub–clause (a).
(c) In a case where the inquirydiscloses that a punishment beyond the powers of the Registrar is called for,the Registrar shall, upon conclusion of the inquiry, make a report to the Vice–Chancelloralong with his recommendations:
Provided that an appeal shalllie to the Executive Council against an order of the Vice–Chancellorimposing any penalty.
(5) The Registrar shall be exofficio Secretary of the Executive Council, the Academic Council and the Boardsof Schools, but shall not be deemed to be a member of any of these authorities.He shall be ex officio Member–Secretary of the Court.
(6) It shall be the duty of theRegistrar, –
(a) to be the custodian of therecords, the common seal and such other property of the University as theExecutive Council shall commit to his charge;
(b) to issue all noticesconvening meetings of the Court, the Executive Council, the Academic Council,the Boards of Schools, the Boards of Studies, the Boards of Examiners and ofany Committees appointed by the authorities of the University;
(c) to keep the minutes of allthe meetings of the Court, the Executive Council, the Academic Council, theBoards of Schools and of any Committees appointed by the authorities of theUniversity;
(d) to conduct the officialcorrespondence of the Court, the Executive Council and the Academic Council;
(e) to supply to the Visitor,copies of the agenda of the meetings of the authorities of the University assoon as they are issued and the minutes of such meetings;
(f) to represent the Universityin suits or proceedings by or against the University, sign powers of attorneyand verify pleadings or depute his representative for the purpose; and
(g) to perform such other dutiesas may be specified in these Statutes, the Ordinances or the Regulations or asmay be required, from time to time, by the Executive Council or the Vice–Chancellor.
5.Finance Officer: (1) The Finance Officer shallbe a whole–time salaried officer of the University.
(2) The emoluments and otherterms and conditions of service of the Finance Officer shall be such as may beprescribed by the Ordinances:
Provided that a Finance Officershall retire on attaining the age of sixty years:
Provided further that theFinance Officer shall, notwithstanding his attaining the age of sixty years,continue in office until his successor is appointed and enters upon his officeor until the expiry of a period of one year whichever is earlier.
(3) When the office of theFinance Officer is vacant or when the Finance Officer is, by reason of illness,absence or any other cause, unable to perform the duties of his office, theduties of the office shall be performed by such person as the Vice–Chancellormay appoint for the purpose.
(4) The Finance Officer shallbe ex officio Secretary of the Finance Committee, but shall not be deemed to bea member of such Committee.
(5) The Finance Officer shall –
(a) exercise generalsupervision over the funds of the University and shall advise it as regards itsfinancial policy; and
(b) perform such otherfinancial functions as may be assigned to him by the Executive Council or asmay be prescribed by these Statutes or the Ordinances:
Provided that the FinanceOfficer shall not incur any expenditure or make any investment exceeding tenthousand rupees without the previous approval of the Executive Council.
(6) Subject to the control ofthe Executive Council, the Finance Officer shall–
(a) hold and manage theproperty and investments of the University including trust and endowedproperty;
(b) ensure that the limitsfixed by the Executive Council for recurring and non–recurringexpenditure for a year are not exceeded and that all moneys are expended on thepurposes for which they are granted or allotted;
(c) be responsible for thepreparation of annual accounts and the budget of the University and for theirpresentation to the Executive Council;
(d) keep a constant watch onthe state of the cash and bank balances and on the state of investments;
(e) watch the progress of thecollection of revenue and advise on the methods of collection employed;
(f) ensure that the registersof buildings, land, furniture and equipment are maintained up–to–dateand that stock–checking is conducted, of equipment and other consumablematerials in all offices, Special Centres, specialised laboratories, Collegesand Institutions maintained by the University;
(g) call for explanation forunauthorised expenditure and for other financial irregularities and suggestdisciplinary action against persons at fault; and
(h) call for from any office,Centre, laboratory, College or Institution maintained by the University, anyinformation or returns that he may consider necessary for the performance ofhis duties.
(7) The receipt of the FinanceOfficer or of the person or persons duly authorised in this behalf by theExecutive Council for any money payable to the University shall be sufficientdischarge for payment of such money.
6.Deans of Schools of Studies: (1) Every Dean of a School ofStudies shall be appointed by the Vice–Chancellor from among theProfessors in the School for a period of three years and he shall be eligiblefor re–appointment:
Provided that a Dean onattaining the age of sixty years shall cease to hold office as such:
Provided further that if at anytime there is no Professor in a School, the Vice–Chancellor, or a Pro–Vice–Chancellorif authorised by the Vice–Chancellor in this behalf, shall exercise thepowers of the Dean of the School.
(2) When the office of the Deanis vacant or when the Dean is, by reason of illness, absence or any othercause, unable to perform the duties of his office, the duties of the officeshall be performed by such person as the Vice–Chancellor may appoint forthe purpose.
(3) The Dean shall be the Headof the School and shall be responsible for the conduct and maintenance of thestandards of teaching and research in the School. The Dean shall have suchother functions as may be prescribed by the Ordinances.
(4) The Dean shall have theright to be present and to speak at any meeting of the Boards of Studies orCommittees of the School, as the case may be, but shall not have the right tovote thereat unless he is a member thereof.
7.Heads of Departments: (1) Each Department shall havea Head who shall be a Professor and whose duties and functions and terms andconditions of appointment shall be prescribed by the Ordinances:
Provided that if there is oneor more than one Professor in any Department, the Head of the Department shallbe appointed in the manner prescribed by the Ordinances:
Provided further that in aDepartment where there is no Professor, a Reader may be appointed as Head ofthe Department in the manner prescribed by the Ordinances:
Provided also that if there isno Professor or Reader, in a "Department, the Dean of the Facultyconcerned shall act as the head of that Department.
(2) It shall be open to aProfessor or Reader to decline the offer of appointment as the Head of theDepartment.
(3) A person appointed as theHead of the Department shall hold office as such for a period of three yearsand shall be eligible for reappointment.
(4) A Head of a Department mayresign his office at any time during his tenure of office.
(5) A Head of a Departmentshall perform such functions as may be prescribed by the Ordinances.
8.Deans of Students’ Welfare: (1) Every Dean of Students’Welfare shall be appointed from amongst the teachers of the University, notbelow the rank of a Reader, by the Executive Council on the recommendation ofthe Vice–Chancellor.
(2) Every Dean appointed underclause (1) shall be a whole–time officer and shall hold office for aterm of three years and shall be eligible for re–appointment:
Provided that the ExecutiveCouncil may, if it is considered necessary, appoint, on the recommendation ofthe Vice–Chancellor, a teacher, not below the rank of a Reader, todischarge the duties of the Dean of Students’ Welfare in addition to his dutiesas such teacher, and in such a case, the Executive Council may sanction asuitable allowance to be paid to him.
(3) A person who is appointedas a Dean of Students’ Welfare shall continue to hold his lien on hissubstantive post and shall be eligible to all the benefits that would haveotherwise accrued to him, but for his appointment as the Dean of Students’Welfare.
(4) When the office of a Deanof Students’ Welfare is vacant or when the Dean of Students’ Welfare is, byreason of illness or absence or any other cause, unable to perform the dutiesof his office, the duties of the office shall be performed by such person asthe Vice–Chancellor may appoint for the purpose.
(5) The duties and powers of aDean of Students’ Welfare shall be prescribed by the Ordinances.
9.Proctors: (1) Every Proctor shall beappointed by the Executive Council on the recommendation of the Vice–Chancellorand shall exercise such powers and perform such duties as may be assigned tohim by the Vice–Chancellor.
(2) Every Proctor shall holdoffice for a term of two years and shall be eligible for re–appointment.
10.Librarians: (1) Every Librarian shall beappointed by the Executive Council on the recommendation of the SelectionCommittee constituted for the purpose and he shall be a whole–timeofficer of the University.
(2) Every Librarian shallexercise such powers and perform such duties as may be assigned to him by theExecutive Council.
11.Meetings of the Court: (1) An annual meeting of theCourt shall be held on a date to be fixed by the Executive Council unless someother date has been fixed by the Court in respect of any year.
(2) At an annual meeting of theCourt, a report on the working of the University during the previous year,together with a statement of the receipts and expenditure, the balance–sheet,as audited, and the financial estimates for the next year shall be presented.
(3) A copy of the statement ofreceipts and expenditure, the balance sheet and the financial estimatesreferred to in clause (2) shall be sent to every member of the Court at leastseven days before the date of the annual meeting.
(4) Twelve members of the Courtshall form a quorum for a meeting of the Court.
(5) Special meetings of theCourt may be convened by the Executive Council or the vice–Chancellor,or, if there is no Vice–Chancellor, by a Pro–Vice–Chancellor,or if there is no Pro–Vice–Chancellor, by the Registrar.
12.Quorum for meetings of theExecutive Council: Five members of the Executive Council shall form a quorum for ameeting of the Executive Council.
13.Powers and functions ofExecutive Council: (1) The Executive Council shall have the management andadministration of the revenue and property of the University and the conduct ofall administrative affairs of the University not otherwise provided for.
(2) Subject to the provisionsof this Act, these Statutes and the Ordinances, the Executive Council shall, inaddition to all other powers vested in it, have the following powers, namely: –
(i) to create teaching andacademic posts, to determine the number and emoluments of such posts and todefine the duties and conditions of service of Professors, Readers, Lecturers,and other academic staff and Principals of colleges and Institutions maintainedby the University:
Provided that no action shallbe taken by the Executive Council in respect of the number, qualifications andthe emoluments of teachers and academic staff otherwise than afterconsideration of the recommendations of the Academic Council;
(ii) to appoint suchProfessors, Readers, Lecturers and other academic staff, as may be necessary,and Principals of Colleges and Institutions maintained by the University on therecommendation of the Selection Committee constituted for the purpose and tofill up temporary vacancies therein;
(iii) to create administrative,ministerial and other necessary posts and to make appointments thereto in themanner prescribed by the Ordinances;
(iv) to grant leave of absenceto any officer of the University, other than the Chancellor and the Vice–Chancellor,and to make necessary arrangements for the discharge of the functions of suchofficer during his absence;
(v) to regulate and enforcediscipline among employees in accordance with these Statutes and theOrdinances;
(vi) to manage and regulate thefinances, accounts, investments, property, business and all otheradministrative affairs of the university, and for that purpose, to appoint suchagents as it may think fit;
(vii) to fix limits on thetotal recurring and the total non–recurring expenditure for a year onthe recommendations of the Finance Committee;
(viii) to invest any moneybelonging to the University, including any unapplied income, in such stocks,funds, shares or securities as it shall, from time to time, think fit, or inthe purchase of immovable property in India, with the like powers of varyingsuch investments from time to time;
(ix) to transfer or accepttransfers of any movable or immovable property on behalf of the University;
(x) to provide buildings,premises, furniture and apparatus and other means needed for carrying on thework of the University;
(xi) to enter into, vary, carryout and cancel contracts on behalf of the University;
(xii) to entertain, adjudicateupon, and, if thought fit, to redress any grievances of the employees andstudents of the University, who may, for any reason feel aggrieved;
(xiii) to appoint examiners andmoderators and, if necessary to remove them, and to fix their fees, emolumentsand travelling and other allowances, after consulting the Academic Council;
(xiv) to select a common sealfor the University and provide for the custody and use of such seal;
(xv) to make such specialarrangements as may be necessary for the residence and discipline of womenstudents;
(xvi) to delegate any of itspowers to the Vice–Chancellor, the Pro–Vice–Chancellors,the Registrar or the Finance Officer or such other employee or authority of theUniversity or to a Committee appointed by it as it may deem fit;
(xvii) to institutefellowships, scholarships, studentships, medals and prizes; and
(xviii) to exercise such otherpowers and perform such other duties as may be conferred or imposed on it bythis Act, or these Statutes.
14.Quorum for meetings of theAcademic Council: Nine members of the Academic Council shall form a quorum for ameeting of the Academic Council.
15.Powers of the AcademicCouncil: Subject to this Act, theseStatutes and the Ordinances, the Academic Council shall, in addition to allother powers vested in it, have the following powers, namely: –
(a) to exercise general supervisionover the academic policies of the University and to give directions regardingmethods of instruction, co–operative teaching among Colleges andInstitutions, evaluation of research or improvements in academic standards;
(b) to bring about inter–Schoolco–ordination, to establish or appoint Committees or Boards, for takingup projects on an inter–school basis;
(c) to consider matters ofgeneral academic interest either on its own initiative or on a reference by aSchool or the Executive Council and to take appropriate action thereon; and
(d) to frame such regulationsand rules consistent with these Statutes and the Ordinances regarding theacademic functioning of the University, discipline, residences, admissions,award of fellowships and studentships, fee concessions, corporate life andattendance.
16.The Planning Board: (1) The Planning Board shallconsist of the following members, namely: –
(i) the Vice–Chancellor,who shall be the Chairman of the Board; and
(ii) not more than eightpersons of high academic standing.
(2) The members of the PlanningBoard shall be appointed by the Visitor and shall hold office for such periodas he may determine.
(3) The Planning Board shall,in addition to all other powers vested in it by this Act, have the right toadvise the Executive Council and the Academic Council on any academic matter.
(4) On the date determined bythe Visitor under sub–section (3) of section 23, this Statute shallcease to have effect.
17.Schools of Studies anddepartments: (1) TheUniversity shall have such Schools of Studies as may be specified by theOrdinances.
(2) Every School shall have aSchool Board. The members of the first School Board shall be nominated by theExecutive Council and shall hold office for a period of three years.
(3) The powers and functions ofa School Board shall be prescribed by the Ordinances.
(4) The conduct of the meetingsof a School Board and the quorum required for such meetings shall be prescribedby the Ordinances.
(5) (a) Each School shall consist of such Departments as maybe assigned to it by the Ordinances.
(b) No Department shall beestablished or abolished except by these Statutes:
Provided that the ExecutiveCouncil may, on the recommendation of the Academic Council, establish Centresof Studies to which may be assigned such teachers of the University as theExecutive Council may consider necessary.
(c) Each Department shallconsist of the following members, namely: –
(i) teachers of the Department;
(ii) Dean of the School orDeans of the Schools concerned;
(iii) honorary Professors, ifany, attached to the Department; and
(iv) such other persons as maybe members of the Department in accordance with the provisions of theOrdinances.
(d) The functions of aDepartment shall be prescribed by the Ordinances.
18.Boards of Studies: (1) Each Department shallfunction as a Board of Studies.
(2) Notwithstanding anythingcontained in clause (1) the Academic Council may establish, by an Ordinance,such Board of Studies, as may be considered necessary for inter–disciplinaryresearch.
(3) The function of the Boardof Studies shall be prescribed by the Ordinances.
19.Finance Committee: (1) The Finance Committeeshall consist of the following members, namely: –
(i) The Vice–Chancellor;
(ii) A Pro–Vice–Chancellorappointed by the Executive Council;
(iii) Three persons nominatedby the Executive Council, out of whom at least one shall be a memberof theExecutive Council; and
(iv) Three persons nominated bythe Visitor.
(2) Five members of the FinanceCommittee shall form a quorum for a meeting of the Finance Committee.
(3) All the members of theFinance Committee, other than ex officio members, shall hold office for a termof three years.
(4) A member of the FinanceCommittee shall have the right to record a minute of dissent if he does notagree with any decision of the Finance Committee.
(5) The Finance Committee shallmeet at least twice every year to examine the accounts and to scrutiniseproposals for expenditure.
(6) The annual accounts and thefinancial estimates of the University prepared by the Finance Officer shall belaid before the Finance Committee for consideration and comments and thereaftersubmitted to the Executive Council for approval.
(7) The Finance Committee shallrecommend limits for the total recurring expenditure and the total non–recurringexpenditure for the year, based on the income and resources of the University(which, in the case of productive works, may include the proceeds of loans).
20.Selection Committees: (1) There shall be SelectionCommittees for making recommendations to the Executive Council for appointmentto the posts of Professor, Reader, Lecturer, Librarian and Principals ofColleges and Institutions maintained by the University.
(2) The Selection Committee forappointment to the posts specified in column 1 of the Table below shall consistof the Vice–Chancellor, the Pro–Vice–Chancellor or ifthere are more than one Pro–Vice–Chancellor a Pro–Vice–Chancellorappointed by the Executive Council, a nominee of the Visitor and the personsspecified in the corresponding entry in column 2 of the said Table and, in thecase of appointment of a Professor, Reader or Lecturer in a Department wherethere is no Head of the Department, shall also consist of a person nominated bythe Planning Board from amongst its members:
1 2
Professor (i)The Head of the Department concerned, if the is a
(ii)One Professor to be nominated by the Vice-
(iii)Two Persons not in the service of the University,
nominatedby the Executive Council, Out of a panel of
namesrecommended by the Academic Council for
theirspecial knowledge Of or interest in the subject
withwhich the Reader or Lecturer will be concerned.
Librarian (i)Two persons not in the service of the University,
whohave special knowledge of the subject of Library
Scienceor Library Administration to be nominated by
theExecutive Council.
(ii)One person, not in the service of the University,
nominatedby the Executive council.
Principal ofCollege or Threepersons not in the service of the University of
Institutionmaintained whomtwo shall be nominated by the Executive
by theUniversity. Counciland one by the Academic Council for their
specialknowledge of or interest in a subject in which
instructionis being provided by the College or
NOTE 1: Where theappointment is being made for an inter–disciplinary project, the Head ofthe project shall be deemed to be the Head of the Department concerned.
NOTE 2: The Professor tobe nominated shall be a Professor concerned with the speciality for which theselection is being made and that the Vice–Chancellor shall consult theHead of the Department and the Dean of School before nominating the Professor.
(3) The Vice–Chancellor,or in his absence, the Pro–Vice–Chancellor or if there are morethan one Pro–Vice–Chancellor, the senior–most Pro–Vice–Chancellor,shall preside at the meetings of a Selection Committee.
(4) The meetings of a SelectionCommittee shall be convened by the Vice–Chancellor or in his absence, bythe Pro–Vice–Chancellor or if there are more than one Pro–Vice–Chancellor,the senior–most Pro–Vice–Chancellor.
(5) The procedure to befollowed by a Selection Committee in making recommendations shall be laid downin the Ordinances.
(6) If the Executive Council isunable to accept the recommendations made by a Selection Committee, it shallrecord its reasons and submit the case to the Visitor for final orders.
(7) Appointments to temporaryposts shall be made in the manner indicated below: –
(i) If the temporary vacancy isfor a duration longer than one academic session, it shall be filled on theadvice of the Selection Committee in accordance with the procedure indicated inthe foregoing clauses:
Provided that if the Vice–Chancelloris satisfied that in the interests of work it is necessary to fill the vacancy,the appointment may be made on a purely temporary basis by a local SelectionCommittee referred to in sub–clause (ii) for a period not exceeding sixmonths.
(ii) If the temporary vacancyis for a period less than a year, an appointment to such vacancy shall be madeon the recommendation of a local Selection Committee consisting of the Dean ofthe School concerned, the Head of the Department and a nominee of the Vice–Chancellor:
Provided that if the same holdsthe offices of the Dean and the Head of the Department, the Selection
Committee may contain twonominees of the Vice–Chancellor:
Provided further that in caseof sudden casual vacancies in teaching posts caused by death or any otherreason, the Dean may, in consultation with the Head of the Department concernedmake a temporary appointment for a month and report to the Vice–Chancellorand the Registrar about such appointment.
(iii) No teacher appointedtemporarily shall, if he is not recommended by a regular Selection Committeefor appointment under these Statutes, be continued in service on such temporaryemployment, unless he is subsequently selected by a local Selection Committeeor a regular Selection Committee, for a temporary or permanent appointment, asthe case may be.
21.Special mode of appointment: (1) Notwithstanding anythingcontained in Statute 20, the Executive Council may invite a person of highacademic distinction and professional attainments to accept a post of Professorin the University on such terms and conditions as it deems fit, and on theperson agreeing to do so, appoint him to the post.
(2) The Executive Council mayappoint a teacher or any other academic staff working in any other Universityor organisation for undertaking a joint project in accordance with the mannerlaid down in the Ordinances.
22.Appointment for a fixedtenure: The Executive Council mayappoint a person selected in accordance with the procedure laid down in Statute20 for a fixed tenure on such terms and conditions as it deems fit.
23.Recognised teachers: (1) The qualifications ofrecognised teachers shall be such as may be prescribed by the Ordinances.
(2) The manner of recognisingteachers and withdrawal of such recognition shall be prescribed by theOrdinances.
(3) The period of recognitionof a teacher shall be determined by Ordinances made in that behalf.
24.Committees: Any authority of theUniversity may appoint as many standing or special committees as it may deemfit, and may appoint to such committees persons who are not members of suchauthority. Any such committee may deal with any subject delegated to it subjectto subsequent confirmation by the authority appointing it.
25.Terms and conditions ofservice of University teachers: (1) All the teachers of the University shall, in the absence ofany agreement to the contrary, be governed by the terms and conditions ofservice as specified in these Statutes, the Ordinances and the Regulations.
(2) Every teacher of theUniversity shall be appointed on a written contract, the form of which shall beprescribed by the Ordinances. A copy of the contract shall be deposited withthe Registrar.
26.Seniority List: (1) Whenever, in accordancewith these Statutes, any person is to hold an office or be a member of anauthority of the University by rotation according to seniority, such seniorityshall be determined according to the length of continuous service of suchperson in his grade, and, in accordance with such other principles as theExecutive Council may, from time to time, prescribe.
(2) It shall be the duty of theRegistrar to prepare and maintain, in respect of each class of persons to whomthe provisions of these Statutes apply, a complete and up–to–dateseniority list in accordance with the provisions of clause (1).
(3) If two or more persons haveequal length of continuous service in a particular grade or the relativeseniority of any person or persons is otherwise in doubt, the Registrar may, onhis own motion and shall, at the request of any such person, submit the matterto the Executive Council whose decision thereon shall be final.
27.Removal of teachers: (1) Where there is anallegation of misconduct against a teacher, or a member of the academic staff,the Vice–Chancellor may, if he thinks fit, by order in writing, placethe teacher under suspension and shall forthwith report to the ExecutiveCouncil the circumstances in which the order was made:
Provided that the ExecutiveCouncil may, if it is of the opinion, that the circumstances of the case do notwarrant the suspension of the teacher or a member of the academic staff, revokesuch order.
(2) Notwithstanding anythingcontained in the terms of his contract of service or of his appointment, theExecutive Council shall be entitled to remove a teacher or a member of theacademic staff on the ground of misconduct.
(3) Save as aforesaid, theExecutive Council shall not be entitled to remove a teacher or a member of theacademic staff except for good cause and after giving three months’ notice inwriting or on payment of three months’ salary in lieu of notice.
(4) No teacher or a member ofthe academic staff shall be removed under clause (2) or under clause (3) untilhe has been given a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against the actionproposed to be taken in regard to him.
(5) The removal of a teacher ora member of the academic staff shall require a two–thirds majority ofthe members of the Executive Council present and voting.
(6) The removal of a teacher ora member of the academic staff shall take effect from the date on which theorder of removal is made:
Provided that where a teacheror a member of the academic staff is under suspension at the time of hisremoval, the removal shall take effect from the date on which he was placedunder suspension.
(7) Notwithstanding anythingcontained in these Statutes, a teacher or a member of the academic staff mayresign by giving three months’ notice in writing to the Executive Council or onpayment to the University of three months’ salary in lieu thereof.
28.Removal of employees otherthan teachers of the University: (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the terms of hiscontract of service or of his appointment, an employee, other than a teacher ora member of the academic staff, may be removed by the authority which iscompetent to appoint the employee–
(a) if he is of unsound mind oris a deaf–mute or suffers from contagious leprosy;
(b) if he is an undischargedinsolvent;
(c) if he has been convicted bya court of law of any offence involving moral turpitude and sentenced inrespect thereof to imprisonment for not less than six months;
(d) if he is otherwise guiltyof misconduct;
Provided that no employee shallbe removed from his office unless a resolution to that effect is passed by theExecutive Council by a majority of two–thirds of its members present andvoting.
(2) No employee shall beremoved under clause (1) until he has been given a reasonable opportunity ofshowing cause against the action proposed to be taken in regard to him.
(3) Where the removal of suchemployee is for a reason other than that specified in sub–clause (c) orsub–clause (d) of clause (1), he shall be given three months’ notice inwriting or paid three months’ salary in lieu of such notice.
(4) Notwithstanding anythingcontained in these Statutes, an employee, not being a teacher or a member ofthe academic staff, shall be entitled to resign, –
(i) if he is a permanentemployee, only after giving three months’ notice in writing to the appointingauthority or paying to the University three months’ salary in lieu thereof;
(ii) if he is not a permanentemployee, only after the giving one month’s notice in writing to the appointingauthority or paying to the University one month’s salary in lieu thereof:
Provided that such resignationshall take effect from the date on which the resignation in accepted by theappointing authority.
29.Honorary degrees: (1) The Executive Council may,on the recommendation of the Academic Council and by a resolution passed by amajority of not less than two–thirds of the members present and voting,make proposals to the Visitor for the conferment of honorary degrees:
Provided that in case ofemergency, the Executive Council may, on its own, make such proposals.
(2) The Executive Council may,by a resolution passed by a majority of not less than two–thirds of themembers present and voting, withdraw, with the previous sanction of theVisitor, any honorary degree conferred by the University.
30.Withdrawal of degrees etc: The Executive Council may, bya special resolution passed by a majority of not less than two–thirds ofthe members present and voting, withdraw any degree or academic distinctionconferred on, or any certificate or diploma granted to, any person by theUniversity for good and sufficient cause:
Provided that no suchresolution shall be passed until a notice in writing has been given to thatperson calling upon him to show cause within such time as may be specified inthe notice why such a resolution should not be passed and until his objections,if any, and any evidence he may produce in support of them, have beenconsidered by the Executive Council.
31.Maintenance of disciplineamong students of the University: (1) All powers relating to discipline and disciplinary action inrelation to students of the University shall vest in the Vice–Chancellor.
(2) The Vice–Chancellormay delegate all or any of his powers as he deems proper to a Proctor and tosuch other officers as he may specify in this behalf.
(3) Without prejudice to thegenerality of his powers relating to the maintenance of discipline and takingsuch action, as may seem to him appropriate for the maintenance of discipline,the Vice–Chancellor may, in the exercise of his powers, by order, directthat any student or students be expelled, or rusticated, for a specifiedperiod, or be not admitted to a course or courses of study in a College,Institution or Department of the University for a stated period, or be punishedwith fine for an amount to be specified in the order, or be debarred fromtaking an examination or examinations conducted by the University, College,Institution or a Department for one or more years, or that the results of thestudent or students concerned in the examination or examinations in which he orthey have appeared be cancelled.
(4) The Principals of Colleges,Institutions, Heads of Special Centres, Deans of Schools of Studies and Headsof teaching Departments in the University shall have the authority to exerciseall such disciplinary powers over the students in their respective Colleges,Institutions, Special Centres, Schools and teaching Departments in theUniversity as may be necessary for the proper conduct of such Colleges,Institutions, Special Centres, Schools and teaching in the Departments.
(5) Without prejudice to thepowers of the Vice–Chancellor, the Principals and other personsspecified in clause (4), detailed rules of discipline and proper conduct shallbe made by the University. The Principals of Colleges, Institutions, Heads ofSpecial Centres, Deans of Schools of Studies and Heads of teaching Departmentsin the University may also make the supplementary rules as they deem necessaryfor the aforesaid purposes. Every student shall be supplied with a copy of therules made by the University and a copy of the supplementary rules shall besupplied to the students concerned.
(6) At the time of admission,every student shall be required to sign a declaration to the effect that hesubmits himself to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the Vice–Chancellorand other authorities of the University.
32.Convocations: Convocations of the Universityfor the conferring of degrees or for other purposes shall be held in suchmanner as may be prescribed by the Ordinances.
33.Acting Chairman of meetings: Where no provision is made fora President or Chairman to preside over a meeting of any authority of theUniversity or any Committee of such authority or when the President or Chairmanso provided for is absent, the members present shall elect one from amongthemselves to preside at such meeting.
34.Resignation: Any member, other than an exofficio member of the Court, the Executive Council, the Academic Council or anyother authority of the University or any Committee of such authority may resignby letter addressed to the Registrar and the resignation shall take effect assoon as such letter is received by the Registrar.
35.Disqualifications: (1) A person shall bedisqualified for being chosen as, and for being, a member of any of the authoritiesof the University–
(a) if he is of unsound mind oris a deaf–mute or suffers from contagious leprosy;
(b) if he is an undischargedinsolvent;
(c) if he has been convicted bya court of law of an offence involving moral turpitude and sentenced in respectthereof to imprisonment for not less than six months.
(2) If any question arises asto whether a person is or had been subjected to any of the disqualificationsmentioned in clause (1), the question shall be referred for the decision of theVisitor and his decision shall be final and no suit or other proceeding shalllie in any civil court against such decision.
36.Residence condition formembership and office: Notwithstanding anything contained in these Statutes, no personwho is not ordinarily resident in India shall be eligible to be an officer ofthe University or a member of any authority of the University.
37.Membership of authorities byvirtue of membership of other bodies: Notwithstanding anything contained in theseStatutes, a person who holds any post in the University or is a member of anyauthority or body of the University in his capacity as a member of a particularauthority or body or as the holder of a particular appointment shall hold suchoffice or membership only for so long as he continues to be a member of thatparticular authority or body or the holder of that particular appointment, asthe case may be.
38.Ordinances how made: (1) The first Ordinances madeunder sub–section (2) of section 26 may be amended, repealed or added toat any time by the Executive Council in the manner specified below.
(2) No Ordinance in respect ofthe matters enumerated in section 26, other than those enumerated in clause (o)of sub–section (1) thereof, shall be made by the Executive Council unlessa draft of such Ordinance has been proposed by the Academic Council.
(3) The Executive Council shallnot have power to amend any draft of any Ordinance proposed by the AcademicCouncil under clause (2), but may reject the proposal or return the draft tothe Academic Council for re–consideration, either in whole or in part,together with any amendment which the Executive Council may suggest.
(4) Where the Executive Councilhas rejected or returned the draft of an Ordinance proposed by the AcademicCouncil, the Academic Council may consider the question afresh and in case theoriginal draft is re–affirmed by a majority of not less than two–thirdsof the members present and voting and more than half the total number ofmembers of the Academic Council, the draft may be sent back to the ExecutiveCouncil which shall either adopt it or refer it to the Visitor whose decisionshall be final.
(5) Every Ordinance made by theExecutive Council shall come into effect immediately.
(6) Every Ordinance made by theExecutive Council shall be submitted to the Visitor within two weeks from thedate of its adoption. The Visitor shall have the power to direct the Universitywithin four weeks of the receipt of the Ordinance to suspend the operation ofany such Ordinance and he shall, as soon as possible, inform the ExecutiveCouncil about his objection to the proposed Ordinance. The Visitor may, afterreceiving the comments of the University, either withdraw the order suspendingthe Ordinance or disallow the Ordinance, and his decision shall be final.
39.Regulations: (1) The authorities of theUniversity may make Regulations consistent with this Act, and these Statutesand the Ordinances: –
(a) laying down the procedureto be observed at their meetings and the number of members required to form aquorum;
(b) providing for all matterswhich are required by this Act, these Statutes or the Ordinances to beprescribed by Regulations;
(c) providing for all othermatters solely concerning such authorities or committees appointed by them andnot provided for by this Act, these Statutes or the Ordinances.
(2) Every authority of theUniversity shall make Regulations providing for the giving of notice to themembers of such authority of the dates of meetings and of the business to beconsidered at meetings and for the keeping of a record of the proceedings ofmeetings.
(3) The Executive Council maydirect the amendment in such manner as it may specify, of any Regulation madeunder this Statute or the annulment of any such Regulation.
40.Delegation of powers: Subject to the provisions ofthis Act and these Statutes, any officer or authority of the University maydelegate his or its powers to any other officer or authority or person underhis or its respective control and subject to the condition that overallresponsibility for the exercise of the powers so delegated shall continue tovest an the officer or authority delegating such powers.