Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 2567 of 2006[From the final Order dated 31.12.2003 of the High Court of Judicature at Madras in W.A. No. 4088 and 4089/2003] Petitioner: Management...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 1363 of 2007With(Civil Appeal No. 2468/2008 @ SLP (C) No. 15653 of 2004)(Civil Appeal No. 2469/2008 @ SLP (C) No. 15657 of 2004)(Civil Appeal...
Appeal: Criminal Appeal No. 577 of 2008[Arising out of SLP (Crl.) No. 7463/2007][From the Judgment dated 27.7.2006 of the High Court of Karnataka at Bangalore in Crl. A....
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 2092 of 2002[From the final Judgment and Order dated 2.4.2001 of the Gauhati High Court in W.A. No. 53/1999] Petitioner: State of Arunachal Pradesh...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 2339 of 2008[Arising out of SLP (C) No. 532 of 2007]With Civil Appeal No. 2340 of 2008 @ SLP (C) No.5051 of 2007[From the...
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 2764 of 2007[From the final Judgment and Order dated 19.12.2005 of the High Court of Uttaranchal at Nainital in Review/Recall Application No.120/2005 in W.P....
Appeal: Civil Appeal No. 2259 of 2008[Arising out of SLP (C) No. 8873 of 2006][From the final Judgment and Order dated 22.3.2005 of the High Court of Calcutta...
Appeal: Criminal Appeal No. 567 of 2008[Arising out of SLP (Crl.) No. 993 of 2007]WithCriminal Appeal No. 568 of 2008[Arising out of SLP (Crl.) No.1308 of 2007]With Criminal...